d/Deaf and hearing loss community engagement
BID services
From November 2022 to November 2023 Birmingham Public Health partnered with BID Services to share the findings from the d/Deaf and hearing loss Community Health Profile and co-produce solutions to tackle identified health inequalities.
The project from BID Services focused on the following key areas.
Mental health and wellbeing
A lead volunteer at BID Services created a monthly sign and craft group in Ladywood. This provided the opportunity for people to come together over the activity of craft to support one another and provide support around mental health through an activity. The group showed large interest and has continued to run after the project.
Intersectionality: d/Deaf and LGBTQ+
BID Services worked in collaboration with Deaf Rainbow UK and Birmingham LGBT Centre to create a local group in Birmingham to support the community and raise awareness. The group committee has been established and are currently planning for proposed activities of the group.
Community education
BID Services used the key health inequality data from the community health profile report to hold a series of awareness sessions in collaboration with other local organisations. These sessions focused on increasing the community’s awareness of health and wellbeing information, support and available services. Topics in the group sessions included:
- sexual health
- physical activity
- mental health
- menopause
- diabetes
- Alzheimer’s
Engagement partner information
Organisation: BID Services
Key project representative: Stephen Jeffs
Email: info@bid.org.uk
Telephone: 0121 246 6100