South locality

Map of Birmingham showing area covered by south locality

South locality is made up of Edgbaston and Northfield constituencies.

  • The South locality has a population of approximately 208,304, 18.3% of Birmingham’s population, with an average age of 37.4 years; this is higher for females (38.4 years) and lower for males (36.4 years).
  • During the last decade (2009 to 2019) life expectancy in the South locality increased slightly and is higher in the South locality than in Birmingham for both males (78.4) and females (82.6) (see figure 2).
  • Almost half of all deaths (45.6%) in Edgbaston were Infant Mortality, followed by Hypertension diseases (17.6%). In Northfield, 10.6% of all early deaths were due to Other Heart diseases and 10.3% due to stroke.
  • COVID-19 accounted for 15.8% of all deaths in the locality, and had an impact on employment rates, falling below the Birmingham rate. The locality had the second-best rates for the 1st, 2nd and booster vaccine uptake at 72%, 67% and 50%, respectively.
  • The South was the second highest of all five localities at an average conception rate of 23 per 1,000, higher than the Birmingham (20) and England (17.8) rates.
  • Of the five Birmingham localities, the South had the second highest prevalence of cancer (2.4%) though this was low compared to England (3.1%); it also had the second highest death rate for cancer (290 per 100,000).

Download the full 2022 profile for South locality

Download the full 2019 profile for south locality

South locality is made of 2 constituencies:

Birmingham Public Health have produced health inequality infographics for each of Birmingham’s 69 wards:

Public Health reports for smaller area geographies such as wards and MSOA are available using Public Health England’s Local Health web tool

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