North locality
North locality is made up of Erdington and Sutton Coldfield constituencies.
- The North locality has a population of approximately 197,274, 17.3% of Birmingham’s population, with an average age of 39.6 years. This is higher for females (40.8 years) and lower for males (38.3 years).
- During the last decade (2009 to 2019) life expectancy increased in the North locality from about 77.4 years to 78.5 for males and 82.1 to 82.4 in females. The North has a higher life expectancy compared to the Birmingham average for males, however, is the same for females.
- Almost a quarter of all deaths occurring before age 75 years in Erdington were categorised as infant mortality (23.1%), followed by accidental poisoning (9.3%).
- Lung cancer (12.3%) and coronary heart disease (11.1%) were two areas mentioned as main causes of early death.
- COVID-19 accounted for 17.3% of all deaths in the North locality. The locality had the best rates for the first, second and booster vaccine uptake at 77%, 71% and 55%, respectively.
- The North locality had the highest number of falls out of the five localities (5,283), increasing by 1% between 2016/17 and 2020/21.
- Of the five Birmingham localities, the North had the second highest prevalence for cancer (3.1%).
- The North locality had a slightly higher proportion of children with special educational needs in the Erdington constituency (19.8%) higher than both Birmingham (17%) and England (16%).
Download the full 2022 profile for North locality
Download the full 2019 profile for North locality
North locality is made of 2 constituencies:
- Download the full 2019 profile for Erdington constituency
- Download the full 2019 profile for Sutton Coldfield constituency
Birmingham Public Health have produced health inequality infographics for each of Birmingham’s 69 wards:
- Download infographics for wards within Erdington constituency
- Download infographics for wards within Sutton Coldfield constituency
Public Health reports for smaller area geographies such as wards and MSOA are available using Public Health England’s Local Health web tool.