Enterprise Zone governance

To deliver the transformational Enterprise Zone (EZ) programme of investment and ensure its success, we have put robust governance and programme management in place.

As part of this governance, we have an EZ Partnership Board. The Partnership Board is the main authority for the implementation, governance, and management of the Birmingham City Centre Enterprise Zone Investment Programme.

The EZ Programme Boardreports to the EZ Partnership Board. The Programme Board monitors and oversees the delivery of the EZ and Curzon projects to implement delivery of the EZ investment plan (EZIP).

Assurance Framework

We have created an assurance framework for the EZ programme to set out its:

  • governance
  • management
  • monitoring arrangements

This includes the financial management of the programme and delegated decision-making to ensure affordability and best value for money during the lifetime of the EZ. This is done through an agreed set of financial principles.

The financial principles set out:

  • an acceptable level of borrowing to meet financial commitments
  • the level of contingencies and reserves needed to be able to respond to risks and opportunities

This framework has been structured to make sure that:

  • the governance of the EZ Programme remains separate from the council's wider delivery role
  • there are clearly defined roles and responsibilities for officers and board members

For more information about the programme governance:

Download the Enterprise Zone Assurance Framework 2024

Page last updated: 8 August 2024

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