Kings Heath and Moseley
Places for People in Kings Heath and Moseley aims to reduce traffic in residential neighbourhoods to make it safer for people to walk and cycle, and nicer for children to play outside, and neighbours to chat.
The first phase of this scheme was delivered in 2020 with the intention that a second phase would implement a revised area-wide scheme.
An outline design for this scheme can be seen in the plan below:
Please note this plan is not accessible. If you would like an officer to explain the contents of the plan to you, email
This plan has been considered carefully and extensively. We believe it represents an appropriate balance between responding to previous consultation feedback and carrying out our duties to implement necessary policies including; responding to the climate emergency, reducing car trips, and enabling active travel in local neighbourhoods.
The Outline Business Case for this next phase was approved by Cabinet in January 2023.
Earlier this year we consulted on proposed designs for Packages 1 and 2 of Phase 2 of the Kings Heath & Moseley Places for People scheme (please refer to the programme section below to see the details of each package).
We received over 1,000 responses to this consultation. All the comments have been reviewed and assessed to identify any final changes required to the proposed measures. You can view the consultation, along with the amendments made to the proposals on the Be Heard website.
Programme for delivery
Measures have been grouped into four packages and will be delivered over the next couple of years as follows:
- Package 1: improvements to phase 1 measures (to the west of the High Street) including the York Road pedestrian zone - to be delivered July to October 2025
- Package 2: measures being introduced as part of phase 2 (to the east of the High Street) including new modal filters, one-way streets, and traffic calming - to be delivered July to November 2025
- Package 3: 20mph speed limit across the project area, including all ‘boundary’ roads and measures on Coldbath Road - to be delivered February to March 2026
- Package 4: a bus gate on Addison Road and reinstate the right turn from Vicarage Road onto A435 Alcester Road - to be delivered April to June 2026
This timeline is based on the current programme but is subject to change in line with any governance and spend control processes in place.
Elements on all packages are also subject to statutory consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders, to take place before construction.
View all documents and data related to the Kings Heath and Moseley Places for People scheme
- Cabinet Report - January 2023
- Cabinet Report - frequently asked questions
- View the Kings Heath and Moseley consultation feedback summary report (March 2022)
- View the consultation on the BeHeard website on the Moseley Places for People Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (consultation closed 22 April 2021)
- View the consultation on the BeHeard website on the Kings Heath Low Traffic Neighbourhood Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (consultation closed 22 April 2021)
- View the map of the Air Quality Diffusion Tubes in Kings Heath and Moseley in real-time
Page last updated: 30 October 2024