A457 Spring Hill - phase 2

Work on the second phase of construction started on site in November 2022. Utility diversion works are almost complete and the segregated cycle path installation, footway realignment and drainage works are progressing. This phase of construction is due to be completed in spring 2024.

New segregated cycle lanes on Spring Hill:

Image displaying the new blue Segregated Cycle Lanes on Spring Hill, and the new cycle crossing point next to the zebra crossing.


Spring Hill Phase 2 works consist of highway improvements to the Spring Hill section of the A457 from Spring Hill Canal Bridge to the A4540 Middleway.

The works include:

  • a new 2-way, segregated cycle route will be created on the north side of the road between Ellen Street/Tesco and Clissold Passage
  • a new 2-way, segregated cycle route will be created on the south side of the road between A4540 Middleway to the improved crossing west of Steward Street.
  • shared space section of footway between Steward Street and Spring Hill Canal Bridge
  • a new pedestrian / cycle bridge to be installed over the Soho Loop Canal
  • improvement of the existing crossing east of Steward Street to toucan crossing
  • upgrading of side roads crossings on northern footway to tiger crossings allow for safer passage of cyclists and pedestrians
  • introduction of tidal flow bus lanes on Spring Hill
  • the footpath between Ellen Street and Hingeston Street will be upgraded to a shared cycling and pedestrian path, linking to the cycle route through the Jewellery Quarter.
  • associated utility diversion works as per the new highway alignment.
  • comprehensive package of landscaping and biodiversity enhancement works

Installation of the new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Soho Loop canal was successfully completed on 8 October 2023. The shared space footway connections to the new bridge are planned for completion in spring 2024.

New pedestrian & cycle bridge over Soho Loop canal night time


Page last updated: 27 June 2024

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