Scheme development

Traffic Regulation Order consultations:

These consultations are about the Traffic Regulation Orders (the legal documents required to make changes to the status of the road) associated with each of the phases of the Dudley Road improvement scheme:

Previous engagements

Compulsory purchase order (CPO)

In order to make these transport improvements, the council need to acquire some land which it does not own. If we are unable to buy the land by negotiation with the current owner(s), a compulsory purchase order will be used.

View documents relating to the CPO 2019 order

The impact of the pandemic and the adoption of the Birmingham Emergency Transport Plan required a revision of the scheme to address new transport needs. This supplementary Side Roads Order (No.2) 2022 authorises works to part of Northbrook Street from Dudley Road to Willow Gardens. These works will result in vehicles being stopped from using this part of Northbrook Street and it will become a cycle track with a right of way on foot.

The Birmingham City Council (Dudley Road Winson Green/Spring Hill Ladywood) Compulsory Purchase Order (No.2) 2022 has been made as a supplementary order to The Birmingham City Council (Dudley Road Winson Green/Spring Hill Ladywood) Compulsory Purchase Order 2019 Order made on 4 November 2019. This order includes additional land not included within the first order but required to implement the scheme following revisions to the scheme made in 2020. Under the revised scheme there are proposals to provide new segregated cycleways to maintain social distancing and a new bus lane will require additional land. This order does not replace the first order.

View documents relating to the CPO 2022 order

CPO 2019 and CPO 2022 orders were withdrawn in August 2023 following the successful completion of the land assembly required to progress the scheme.

Winson Green Road/Heath Street landscape design consultation

Some trees and plants also need to be removed on sections of Heath Street, Icknield Port Road and Winson Green Road to allow us to build the segregated cycle paths. We will be replacing the removed vegetation with a diverse mix of species to improve biodiversity in the area.

Find out the results of the Winson Green Road/Heath Street consultation and read the consultation report.

This consultation closed on 1 August 2022.

Spring Hill landscape design consultation

As part of the Dudley Road Transport Improvements, we are planning to make changes to areas of grass, trees and plants, and to create new green spaces.

The transport improvements mean that some trees and plants need to be removed between Spring Hill Canal Bridge/Clissold Passage and the A4540 Middleway, to allow us to build the segregated cycle paths.

In January 2022 we ran a consultation on Spring Hill’s landscape design.

The comments we received have been incorporated in revisions to the scheme; making further minor improvements to help to alleviate the problems raised.

We will keep as many of the existing trees as possible, but the tree root structures, and soil depth mean that it is not possible to keep them all or to move and replant existing trees.

Find out the results of the Spring Hill consultation

This consultation closed on 7 February 2022.

Barford Estate consultation

Following a public consultation in November 2021 for the Barford Estate local measures, we received some valuable comments from the local businesses and residents, which have assisted in revising the scheme to make further minor improvements.

Find out the results of the Barford Estate consultation

This consultation closed on 8 November 2021.

In 2018, we asked for your views on a scheme proposal for the area. Following public feedback and the publication of our Emergency Transport Plan, we significantly revised the proposals and carried out public consultation in late 2020.

Page last updated: 11 June 2024

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