Care and support
Care and support looks at individuals who are in need of an extra bit of help. The services on offer aim to help improve health and wellbeing, but also to build the individual back up, educate them or just give them a platform to talk with others whether they’re in a similar situation, or are just happy to listen and support. Accessing services such as the befriending service, parish nurse, hospital to home or the home care service can help in making life that bit easier.
Not everyone can bounce straight back after a hospital stay or a diagnosis or maybe the loss of a spouse, family member or friend and accessing the help in your area can ease the pain and struggle you may be feeling. The services that Birmingham has at its disposal can be accessed over the telephone, in your home, at community centres or places of worship. There are a range of ways to access the help to suit your needs. Most services are free, need referral or have a small cost.