Birmingham Black heritage sources

The following is a source list of those materials held in the Birmingham and Local Studies collections relating to a study of Birmingham’s place in British Black heritage. The Birmingham and Local Studies collections are designated repositories of printed resources pertaining to the cultural and historic development of the city.

Community profiles

The African Caribbean Community in Birmingham. (1995).
LF 21.85.

Articles and journals

Birmingham Historian, Quaker Lloyds, Bingley and Slavery,
Bill Ainsworth. Issue 28, Spring 2006.
50.6 Birmingham Collection and LBF 50.6.

Birmingham Historian. West Indies in the Archives,
Fiona Tait. Issue 15, pages 17 to 20.
50.6 Birmingham Collection and LBF 50.6.

Birmingham Community Relations Committee annual reports,
1970/71 to 1986/87. LBF 21.85.

Bulletin of the Birmingham Community Relations Council,
Nos. 2 to 7, 1978 to 1979. LB 21.85.

Picture Post. Are We Building Up to a British Colour Conflict?
22 January 1955. LP 21.85.

Newspaper cuttings

Birmingham Ethnic Community newscuttings, 1954 to August 2005.
Reclassified as Black Communities from August 2005 onwards.


Ashu, Frederick Ebot. New African Leaders: Contribution of Africans in Birmingham from 1950 - traditional stories of Africans in Birmingham, UK. (2012).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and LF 21.85.

Birmingham City Council. Revd. Peter Thomas Stanford – The Life of Birmingham’s First Black Minister. (2011).
LP 78.1 STA.

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Breaking the Chains – The Equiano Project. (2007).
LP 50.102.

Bishton, Derek and Reardon, John. Home Front. (1984).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and L 21.85.

British Soviet Society. The British Soviet Society (B’ham Branch) Presents Paul Robeson at the Birmingham Town Hall, 21 May 1949.
LP 22.41

Brown, John. Policing by Multi-Racial Consent, the Handsworth experience. (1982).
L 93.1.

Callaghan, David. Day in the Life: a Black Heritage Trail of the West Midlands. (2011).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and LP 21.85.

Courtman, Sandra. A Journey Through the Imperial Gaze: Birmingham’s Photographic Collections and its Caribbean
Nexus. (2004).
LF 21.85.

Edmead, Peter L. The Divisive Decade. (1999).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and LF 21.85.

Flett, Hazel. Black Council Tenants in Birmingham. Working Papers on Ethnic Relations. No. 12, 1979.
LF 21.85.

Griffiths, Peter. A Question of Colour. (1966). L 21.85.
Chapter on the 1964 election in Smethwick.

Grosvenor, McLean and Roberts. Making Connections: Birmingham’s Black International History. (2002).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and L 21.85

Grosvenor, Ian and Chapman, Rob. West Africa, West Indies, West Midlands. Book to accompany exhibition.(1982).
Birmingham Collection 21.85 and LF 21.85.

Gunter, Henry. A Man’s a Man – the Colour Bar in Birmingham and an Answer. (1954).
L 21.85.

Hall, Catherine. Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the English Imagination, 1830 to 1861. (2002). L 21.851.
Section on Birmingham – Mapping the Midland Metropolis.

Hall, Clive (ed.), Three Continents, One History: Birmingham, the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Caribbean. (c 2008).
Birmingham Collection 21.851 and L 21.851.

Jones, Simon. Black Culture, White Youth - Reggae Tradition From JA to UK. (1988). L 21.85
Chapter on the Birmingham context.

Madden, Ann. From Paradise to Motherland. A Reminiscence pack to assist Birmingham’s post-war Caribbean immigrants in recalling their pasts. (1993).
LF 21.85.

Price, Doreen and Thiara, Ravi. The Land of Money? Personal accounts by post-war Black migrants to Birmingham.(1992).
LP 21.85 PRI

Sanders, John. Immigration … The Incredible Folly. (1965).
L 21.85.

Scawdi. History Detectives: Black People in the West Midlands, 1650 – 1918.
(2010). LP 21.85.

Searle, Kevin. Guess Who Came to Dinner ..... the Stories of Black Mixed Race Families in Birmingham during the 1950s and 1960s. (200?).
LP 21.85.

Sherwood, Marika. Malcolm X Visits Abroad. References to the 1965 visit to Smethwick. (2011).
L 21.85.

Weaver, Gordon. Conan Doyle and the Parson’s Son: the George Edalji Case. (2006).
L 43 EDA.

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