Guides for finding materials

  1. Black History collection subject guide (speak to staff for further information)
  2. Slavery/anti-slavery resources guide which gives reference to the anti-slavery pamphlet collection. Entries for these texts can also be found via the online catalogue (Spydus). (Speak to staff for further information)
  3. Birmingham Stories source guides - stored in the Heritage Research Area quick reference sequence plus on-line via Connecting Histories.
  4. Black History sources in Birmingham City Archives (BCOL 21.85)
  5. Making Connections Birmingham Black International History(BCOL 21.85)

For further information on connected subject areas such as geography, ancient Egypt and a wider range of biographies, check the library catalogue or speak with a member of library staff.

The open access Black History Collection is located on level 4 of the Library of Birmingham.

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