Aim and vision
As stated within the Terms of Reference, the purpose of the CPAC Forum is to work together to increase physical activity at a population level across Birmingham by ensuring that a joint action plan is developed and delivered. To achieve this, specific objectives are:
- To deliver a joint vision for addressing current physical activity levels in the city and to exploit opportunities for joint working.
- To develop a robust action plan that will underpin the delivery of the Health & Wellbeing Board’s physical activity priorities and indicators and oversee its delivery.
- To provide a strategic direction and seek alignment with the work being undertaken through a range of other relevant work programmes and boards.
- To contribute to the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
- To contribute to informing the commissioning intentions.
- To promote and facilitate coordination between partners and partnerships and to consider what agendas and resources might be shared more effectively, where appropriate
- To report to and support the activities of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
- To promote communication and engagement with the stakeholders and residents of Birmingham relating to the physical activity agenda.
- To promote best practice and sharing of ideas including collaboration that lead to maximisation of external funding opportunities.
- To oversee performance and address areas for future development and improvement.