Birmingham and Solihull Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022 to 2025

What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)?

The Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is responsible for developing a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) for the city as a result of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. PNAs are a statutory requirement and must be updated at least every three years. The PNA is a report of the present needs for pharmaceutical services. It is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future pharmaceutical service provision.

What are Pharmaceutical Services?

Pharmaceutical services are one of the many services currently provided under the NHS by community pharmacies and include:

  • dispensing of medicines and appliances on prescription
  • sale of medicines to the public
  • providing advice to the public on medicines, coping with ill health or general health and well being
  • receiving waste medicines for safe destruction

Who will use the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment?

The PNA will be used by NHS England, local authorities (Birmingham and Solihull), and the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System. The PNA will be used to make decisions when applications for new pharmacies are received, and for the commissioning of other services that could be delivered by community pharmacies and other providers.

Birmingham and Solihull Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022 to 2025

A formal consultation took place from 31 October 2022 to 30 December 2022. Responses from previous engagement and the consultation have helped inform the conclusions and recommendations of this final PNA document. This PNA replaces the 2018 PNA.

Page last updated: 16 April 2024

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