Membership of the Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Board
The current membership of the Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Board is listed on our committee services website.
The Health and Wellbeing Board works to a forward planned agenda and is open to questions from members of the public. Lines of questioning should be submitted via our online portal. The criteria for submitting for line is listed at the start of the form. For the Board to be quorate, at least one third of Board Members and at least one Elected Member must be present. Members of the Board will be able to send substitutes with prior agreement of the Chair.
Lines of questioning will not be responded to individually. They will instead be grouped by theme and addressed at the Board meetings in relation to the agenda items and within the timescales allocated. Questions may be deferred to future meetings or sub forums if they fit more appropriately there. Responses to lines of questioning will be included in the minutes of the meeting which are published on our committee papers website. The questions and answers will not be reproduced in the minutes.