Lawfulness of processing

The council as a Planning Authority has lawful bases for processing data for the purpose of providing planning services, planning law enforcement, and for the purpose of issuing satisfaction surveys.

The planning services-related processing and planning law enforcement processing are necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller, as provided for in the GDPR’s Article 6(1)( e). This is known as a ‘public task’ and this is why we do not need your explicit consent for your information to be used.

The planning services-related processing and planning law enforcement processing are also necessary for compliance with legal obligations to which the council is subject, as a planning authority, in terms of the GDPR’s Article 6(1)(c).For example, the council has statutory obligations under:

  • The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015; and
  • The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) England Regulations 2012.

The processing for the purpose of issuing the satisfaction surveys is based on the legitimate interests of the council (under Article 6(1)(f)), namely monitoring the level of service provided by the council and identifying potential ways in which this may be improved for future users. You have a right to object to such processing based on legitimate interests.

The provision of your personal data in your planning application is a statutory requirement. If you fail to provide this data the council will not be able to process your application.

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