CD8 Other types of documents Kings ArmsFile type: DOCXSize: 56.75 KBDownload: Kings Arms Notices and agreementsFile type: DOCXSize: 76.49 KBDownload: Notices and agreements Site ground floor proposedFile type: DOCXSize: 586.94 KBDownload: Site ground floor proposed 8.15 Pre-application submission (stage one report)File type: PDFSize: 5.96 MBDownload: 8.15 Pre-application submission (stage one report) 8.16 Transportation commentsFile type: PDFSize: 81.05 KBDownload: 8.16 Transportation comments 8.17 Independent Review of Financial Viability AssessmentFile type: PDFSize: 1005.56 KBDownload: 8.17 Independent Review of Financial Viability Assessment 8.14 Officers reportFile type: PDFSize: 870.67 KBDownload: 8.14 Officers report