Birmingham Schools’ Forum January 2023 Birmingham Schools’ Forum January 2023 Documents Schools Forum Agenda 19 January 2023File type: PDFSize: 172.85 KBDownload: Schools Forum Agenda 19 January 2023 Agenda Item 6 - 2023-24 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block BudgetFile type: DOCXSize: 76.5 KBDownload: Agenda Item 6 - 2023-24 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block Budget Agenda Item 7 - 2023-24 Dedicated Schools Grant SettlementFile type: DOCXSize: 100.51 KBDownload: Agenda Item 7 - 2023-24 Dedicated Schools Grant Settlement Agenda Item 8 - Growth Fund January 2023-24 Final - January 23File type: DOCXSize: 89.46 KBDownload: Agenda Item 8 - Growth Fund January 2023-24 Final - January 23 Agenda Item 8 Appendix - Growth Fund 2023-24 Appendix 1 Final - January 23File type: DOCXSize: 23.83 KBDownload: Agenda Item 8 Appendix - Growth Fund 2023-24 Appendix 1 Final - January 23 Agenda Item 9 - Falling Rolls fund_2023-24 V3File type: DOCXSize: 84.98 KBDownload: Agenda Item 9 - Falling Rolls fund_2023-24 V3 Agenda Item 12 - CSSB Report to Schools' Forum - January 2023File type: DOCXSize: 147.78 KBDownload: Agenda Item 12 - CSSB Report to Schools' Forum - January 2023