Evidence Base BLP - Homes and Neighbourhoods The documents on this page are reports used in developing the Birmingham Local Plan (BLP). Birmingham Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) Final ReportFile type: PDFSize: 8.43 MBDownload: Birmingham Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) Final Report HEDNA Appendix 1 - HMA and FEMAFile type: PDFSize: 8.46 MBDownload: HEDNA Appendix 1 - HMA and FEMA HEDNA Appendix 2 - Policy ReviewFile type: PDFSize: 315.25 KBDownload: HEDNA Appendix 2 - Policy Review HEDNA Appendix 3 - Sensitivity to 2042File type: PDFSize: 637.72 KBDownload: HEDNA Appendix 3 - Sensitivity to 2042 Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2024File type: PDFSize: 2.04 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 2024 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 1File type: PDFSize: 18.71 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 1 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 2File type: PDFSize: 22.58 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 2 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 3File type: PDFSize: 23.48 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 3 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 4File type: PDFSize: 20.08 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 4 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 5File type: PDFSize: 20.4 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 5 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 6File type: PDFSize: 20.93 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 6 Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 7File type: PDFSize: 23.1 MBDownload: Housing and Economic Land Availability Schedules 2023 part 7 Housing Land Supply 2024 to 2029File type: PDFSize: 222.67 KBDownload: Housing Land Supply 2024 to 2029 Background paper - housing densityFile type: PDFSize: 2.83 MBDownload: Background paper - housing density Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 1File type: PDFSize: 14.74 MBDownload: Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 1 Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 2File type: PDFSize: 13.53 MBDownload: Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 2 Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 3File type: PDFSize: 15.29 MBDownload: Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 3 Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 4File type: PDFSize: 15.57 MBDownload: Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 4 Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 5File type: PDFSize: 16.28 MBDownload: Five year housing land supply site schedules - part 5 Birmingham Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs AssessmentFile type: PDFSize: 1.5 MBDownload: Birmingham Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment Birmingham Development Plan Review: Development Strategy and Growth Zones Background PaperFile type: PDFSize: 1.58 MBDownload: Birmingham Development Plan Review: Development Strategy and Growth Zones Background Paper Birmingham Local PlanFile type: PDFSize: 1.14 MBDownload: Birmingham Local Plan Birmingham Local Plan Background paper - Health and PlanningFile type: PDFSize: 1.19 MBDownload: Birmingham Local Plan Background paper - Health and Planning Birmingham Whole Plan Viability Assessment ReportFile type: PDFSize: 4.35 MBDownload: Birmingham Whole Plan Viability Assessment Report Viability Report Appendix 1 - Birmingham Policies MatrixFile type: PDFSize: 822.31 KBDownload: Viability Report Appendix 1 - Birmingham Policies Matrix Viability report - Appendix 2 - Birmingham residential typologiesFile type: PDFSize: 275.92 KBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 2 - Birmingham residential typologies Viability report - Appendix 3 - BCC Residential Market PaperFile type: PDFSize: 6.83 MBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 3 - BCC Residential Market Paper Viability report - Appendix 4 - Birmingham land market paperFile type: PDFSize: 1.63 MBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 4 - Birmingham land market paper Viability report - Appendix 5 - Consultation Feedback MatrixFile type: PDFSize: 463.91 KBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 5 - Consultation Feedback Matrix Viability report - Appendix 6 - Local Plan viability stakeholder workshop presentationFile type: PDFSize: 4.31 MBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 6 - Local Plan viability stakeholder workshop presentation Viability report - Appendix 7 - BCC merged appraisalsFile type: PDFSize: 8.81 MBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 7 - BCC merged appraisals Viability report - Appendix 8 - BCISFile type: PDFSize: 99.36 KBDownload: Viability report - Appendix 8 - BCIS