Clean Air Zone (CAZ) Appendix B - Transport Model Forecasting Methodology FinalFile type: PDFSize: 656.8 KBDownload: Appendix B - Transport Model Forecasting Methodology Final Appendix D - Benchmarking and Sensitivity Testing UpdatedFile type: PDFSize: 3.66 MBDownload: Appendix D - Benchmarking and Sensitivity Testing Updated Appendix E part 1 - Transport Modelling Forecasting Report 2020 OBC with Additional MeasuresFile type: PDFSize: 6.12 MBDownload: Appendix E part 1 - Transport Modelling Forecasting Report 2020 OBC with Additional Measures AQ3 - Birmingham CAZ FBC Report- Air Quality_v3 4-12-18File type: PDFSize: 2.23 MBDownload: AQ3 - Birmingham CAZ FBC Report- Air Quality_v3 4-12-18 E3 - Distributional Impact Appraisal Report_Rev 2.2File type: PDFSize: 3.71 MBDownload: E3 - Distributional Impact Appraisal Report_Rev 2.2 Transport Model Forecasting Report Draft for FBC Draft FinalFile type: PDFSize: 8.05 MBDownload: Transport Model Forecasting Report Draft for FBC Draft Final BCC Responses to consultation 071218File type: PDFSize: 781.81 KBDownload: BCC Responses to consultation 071218 Letter for licensing taxis and private hire vehiclesFile type: PDFSize: 251.99 KBDownload: Letter for licensing taxis and private hire vehicles Brum Breathes taxi mailing bookletFile type: PDFSize: 467.18 KBDownload: Brum Breathes taxi mailing booklet