Noticeboard - 7 September 2023

Welcome back, we hope you've enjoyed a good summer break. This weeks noticeboard contains important updates on Oracle and RAAC, information on the forthcoming BCC/BEP Headteacher Briefings, September 2024 Admissions and more!

Principal Education Psychologist Permanent Appointment

I am really pleased to announce Pauline Bromfield has been appointed to the Principal Education Psychologist role.

Some background information on Pauline’s motivation in applying for the role is as follows:

The role is just the next chapter with the love of the city and its communities. Pauline arrived from the South to Birmingham nearly 36 years with the strong belief that it would only be for one year and she is still really happy in Birmingham. Pauline has worked in Birmingham LA since 1990 joining the EPS in 2000. Pauline’s parents were her first thought with this appointment, who were of the Windrush generation , their vision and values enabled Pauline’s own in particular the factors that foster resilience with individual and systemic challenges. The prior acting up opportunity has served as a foundation to inform ongoing developments. The vital support and endeavours of an amazing talented team of EPs, assistants and trainees will be key to ongoing success in applying psychology to help children and young people thrive.

I am sure you will join me in congratulating and supporting Pauline in this very exciting role.

Helen Ellis, Director SEND and Inclusion

Oracle System Update

Work commitments to address priority finance and HR related Oracle system fixes and the impact on financial close priorities have continued throughout the summer break period.

Progress is summarised in the sections below, commencing with an important update on the finance reconciliation files process and next steps.

Any newly appointed business managers can contact the mailbox asking to be added to the mailing list.

Finance update for Transactional services

Over the summer, Transactional Services and Digital Technology Services (DTS) have been working through the outstanding reconciliation files (ZSIMS) issues. Several solutions have been developed and tested, with the support of School Financial Services (SFS) officers and certain schools’ business managers.

Good progress has been made in implementing fixes, with more information provided in the sections below. The Schools’ Transactional Service Team have been working on queries over the summer and follow up emails have been sent for cases needing further action or more information. The team will continue to provide a single, central point for supporting transactional finance queries.

Reconciliations – the following points set out the progress achieved over the summer, including new key technical fixes, status and next steps.

  • Journals appearing on the ledger but not reconciliation files
    • The was a problem where some journals were not feeding through to the reconciliation files, so journals were appearing on the council’s ledger but not the reconciliation files.
    • To fix this issue, a correction file (with a file name ending ‘.w99’) has been sent via Anycomms and has been tested by a school.
  • Missing cancelled invoice transactions
    • There was an issue where some cancelled invoices were not being captured.
    • A fix has been applied for weeks 45 onwards, with weeks 18 to 45 still missing cancelled invoice transactions.
    • The solution to rectify this remaining issue is currently being tested and a further update will follow once the correction files can be processed for schools impacted by remaining missing transactions.
  • Internal Billing (Duplicates)
    • There has been an issue with duplicate transactions in the council’s ledger being picked up by reconciliation files.
    • To address duplicate transactions reversed in the council’s ledger, relevant reconciliation files will be reviewed and tested to ensure that corrections have been picked up for impacted schools.
    • A correction file to rectify internal billing duplicates has been sent out via Anycomms, including transactions within a file name ending ‘.w99’.
  • Backlog reconciliation (ZSIMS) files
    • There has been an issue where multiple pauses on weekly file production since week 13 in April 2023, have impacted processing for weeks 18 to 33.
    • Fixes are now in place to address this, with the backlog of files sent out via Anycomms and weekly file production will now continue each Monday.
  • EPA schools
    • Non ‘sims’ data has been sent, with reversal files provided to over 40 schools via Anycomms.
  • Invoices not automatically reconciling
    • A problem had arisen where the Sub-Ledger was not picking up the line-item description field (invoice reference).
    • A fix has now been applied to rectify this and schools involved in validating this change have confirmed that auto-reconciliation is now working.

Non-cheque book and EPA schools

  • Reconciliation files - over the summer break, files for financial years 22/23 and 23/24 have been sent out to schools via Anycomms. Once these files have been run and cleared, you will be able to ascertain whether any further accruals are required.
  • Further accruals - if further accruals are required, please submit any new data in the Excel accrual template for year-end accruals 22/23 and submit it by Tuesday 26 September, along with supporting evidence and a signed Head Teacher’s letter.
  • The information you provide will enable the council to revise schools’ year-end positions with the expectation of confirming the 22/23 out-turn positions with schools towards the middle of the autumn term.
  • If you require a copy of the relevant templates or have any queries, email

Next Steps

  • Please upload the reconciliation files that you receive via the Anycomms system.
  • If you encounter any problems, please email the mailbox if:
    • you experience any new issues or errors with the reconciliation files you receive.
    • the queries you previously reported have been resolved by the new files you’ve received.
    • the queries you previously reported have not been resolved by the new files you’ve received and there are still unresolved issues.

HR update

Progress has continued across several key areas over the summer period. The summary below provides an update on these main areas of work, as well as a reminder of the range of available HR support and Oracle information. 

Oracle system developments

  • The Gender Pay Gap Report has been implemented to enable us to provide reports to schools where it is necessary to do so.
  • Development of the teachers’ pay uplift process is currently underway and we will contact you shortly to collect data for the processing of salary increments.
  • Data cleansing for the 2023 Schools Workforce Census return has now commenced.
  • Oracle user guides are being updated, with the first set of guidance now available on the website – more learning resources, including video guidance will be available soon.
  • Greater capacity is now in place to create new positions, enabling faster turnaround times for process requests.

Reminder of the HR support available to you

  • For all initial HR queries, please contact your named HR officer in the first instance.
  • For more complex queries, you HR Officer may signpost you to one of our team leaders or the leadership team.
  • The HR Schools website is your central location for accessing valuable information, guidance, policies etc. You must create an account to access the site and supporting online content.
  • For any right to work queries for new starters or internal transfers, you can contact our Right to Work Team directly via:

Schools Relationship Managers’ update

  • Over the summer break – having attended meetings within the council and worked with officers to resolve issues and problems identified by schools, Karen and Chris feel that positive progress has been made. Their main priority and focus are to achieve solutions and remove barriers and extra workload for schools. Many issues have been resolved, but some have not. Karen, Chris and officers remain aware of the outstanding issues and themes that may continue to frustrate some schools and governing boards.
  • Moving forward – from the start of the new term, Karen and Chris will be seeking invitations and opportunities to join you at consortia, networks, and fora. They welcome invitations to any meetings where they can offer support, advice, guidance, information or reassurance, as well as opportunities to hear, direct from you, what is starting to work well and what may remain an issue. There is a scheduled, online, meeting for and with School Business Managers (SBMs) on September 18, where Karen and Chris will be available to contribute. Schools with newly appointed SBMs – especially if from outside Birmingham - can make contact Karen or Chris to discuss ways to link them to existing support structures.

Oracle support and contact information

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

As advised in our recent message regarding Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC), council officers are working closely with the DfE and any schools who have been informed they have confirmed RAAC or need surveys.

DfE questionnaires have been submitted for all Birmingham maintained schools. Any academies or free schools who have not yet done so should complete the DfE questionnaire urgently.

Urgent queries should be raised with the DfE via and

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Education Infrastructure team if you require any support at

BCC/BEP Headteacher Briefings – Thursday, 14 September 2023

We’ll be kicking of the new academic year with a series of face-to-face BCC/BEP Headteacher Briefings, with the first sessions taking place on Thursday, 14 September. Choose between an 8:00am to 10:00am session at The Midlands Art Centre, or 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Christ Church Secondary School.

Led by Sue Harrison and Juliet Silverton, these sessions are an opportunity for Headteacher’s to network with colleagues and find out more about our plans for 2023/2024.

For more information and to book your place, visit the Birmingham Education Hub website

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Year 7 and 14-19 Admissions September 2024

Online admissions opened on 1 September 2023 for Year 7 and 14-19 applications. Parents resident in Birmingham should apply through the Birmingham City Council website up until the deadline of 31 October 2023. Further information as well as the admission arrangements to support parents with making their preferences can be found on our website. Advice and support is also available from Children's Services on 0121 303 1888.

All Birmingham maintained Primary, Junior and All-Through Schools were sent a letter prior to the end of term in July 2023 to distribute to parents with children due to transfer to secondary school next year, and who did not have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This letter contains key information, including important guidance for parents with a child born between 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013, and who had deferred entry agreed at the point they were due to start Reception. If you need a copy of this letter, email

For any queries or further information, email the Admissions team:

Have you shared the news about Tax Free Childcare?

Are your Parents eligible for Tax Free Childcare - As a childcare provider you can help to be more affordable for parents by checking if your parents have signed up to Tax Free Childcare and ensuring that you are signed up for Tax Free Childcare

Working parents or carers can get up to £500 every three months (up to £2,000 a year per child) or if their child has a disability, they can get up to £1,000 every three months (up to £4,000 a year per child) to help with the costs of childcare. Parents can use Tax-Free Childcare to pay for childcare including before and after school clubs, holiday clubs and playschemes as well as their Nursery, Childminder or Nanny fees.

Most schools in Birmingham are already signed up to be a Tax Free Childcare provider but you can check if you are on the GOV.Uk website - Tax-Free Childcare if you’re a childcare provider

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete your registration.

What you can do to encourage take up of Tax-Free Childcare

  • Find out the families in your area who are not using Tax Free Childcare and support them to understand its benefits and how to apply for it.
  • Update your website with information about Tax Free Childcare.

Include links to useful sources of information such as:

Parents who have signed up for Tax Free Childcare would be able to find their childcare provider on the system and can then pay the provider direct from their tax-free childcare account.

If you want to know more about Tax Free childcare and how you can support parents, please contact the team at

Early Years Summer Term WellComm Data return – Deadline Extended

Thank you for using the WellComm Toolkit to improve Speech Language and Communication (SLC) outcomes in your school or setting. The WellComm data collection returns are demonstrating that targeted interventions offered by early years providers have improved children's level of SLC development. Each term we request that every early year's provider returns their Summer Term WellComm screening results to us via an online survey. As it was a busy end to last term, we have extended the deadline for the summer term data to Friday 22nd September 2023.

If you have not had the capacity to screen all of your children during the term then, please, send us the results that you have.

Complete the survey

School Attendance Updates

School Attendance Procedures 2023/24

FAST-track to Attendance has been updated for the new academic year and can now be accessed online: Attendance procedures for schools | Pupil attendance, advice for schools and professionals | Birmingham City Council

The main changes include:

  • Schools are still required to request advice from colleagues in the Early Help Service where parents do not respond to phone calls, letters or home visits regarding their child’s school attendance but the need to send the early help letter to parents has been removed.
  • Stage one of the ‘Frequent Illness Absence Protocol’ has been included in the guidance relating to school nurse referrals where there is frequent illness absence from school. In mainstream schools, where there is frequent illness absence but no known underlying medical condition, schools must offer early help and only if this is not successful and attendance is 85% or less should a referral be made to the School Nurse with consent.  Referrals to the School Nurse Service can only be made in relation to illness absence, not general absence, and can only been made for illness absence gained in the same academic year. Schools should not make new referrals to the school nurse service based on frequent illness absence from the previous academic year.
  • Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board are still engaging with GPs and so stage two of the protocol, which involves partnership working between schools and GP surgeries will be introduced once that is completed. 
  • Updated FAST-track training presentations will be uploaded on the webpages as soon as possible.

Leave in term time (legal) process

There have been no changes to the guidance or letters relating to this process.

Part-time/reduced timetables

The guidance for part-time/reduced timetables has been updated and can be accessed here:

Part-time or reduced timetables | Pupil attendance, advice for schools and professionals | Birmingham City Council

The main changes include:

  • The introduction of a simple update form, at the suggestion of many schools, so that colleagues can notify the local authority of the conclusion or extension of any arrangement, already reported.  
  • The re-introduction of the nil return (no new cases) form but in line with Ofsted requirements, this should now be completed at the end of each half term.

Colleagues in schools will be invited to webinars explaining the changes and how to use the forms in the coming weeks.

Registration coding for RAAC closures

Pupils unable to attend school currently due to RAAC closures should be marked with the Y code on the registers. Those schools using online learning at the start of term due to RAAC must ensure they follow the DfE remote learning guidance which can be found here:

Providing remote education: guidance for schools - GOV.UK (

Remote learning cannot be coded as ‘attendance’ on the registers so code B must not be used. Schools should use code Y where the absence is due to an enforced closure. This also applies to school closures due to industrial action, and inclement weather.

Birmingham School Attendance Strategy co-production workshops

Headteachers may already be aware of a series of workshops taking place this term aiming to bring partners together to agree the priorities for a new city school attendance strategy.

There are two face to face integrated workshops, to which Headteachers, parents and other partners will be invited. These are limited ticket events and only Headteachers or SLT Attendance Leads will be eligible to attend on behalf of schools. The two events will take place on:

  • Wednesday 27th September 2023 - 9:30 – 13:30
  • Monday 2nd October 2023 – 9:30 – 13.30

There will also be an online workshop for Headteachers and SLT Attendance Leads only on 28th September 9:30am to 1:00pm

The workshop on 26th September will now be for parents only.

Venues, ticketing details and links for the workshops will be shared via the School Forum Chairs and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. There will also be workshops for children.

This is your chance to help shape the priorities for Birmingham’s School Attendance Strategy so do not forget to have your say!

For any queries regarding the above email the team:

Clean Air Zone School Minibus Exemption

Community and school transport vehicles are exempt from the Clean Air Zone charge. However, the exemption is not automatic and must be applied for.

If you have a School Minibus that is non-compliant then you are eligible to apply for the exemption which lasts for one year.

The evidence required to support the application is the V5C Document showing the registered keeper details and vehicle registration alongside section 19 or 22 permit documentation.

Disregard this message if you currently hold an exemption as you will have received a communication direct from the Clean Air Zone Team and will be provided with the details of the upcoming renewal window.

Community and school transport exemptions - Brum Breathes.

For any queries or further information, email the Clean Air Zone team:

Back to School – Free Online Parenting Courses for Parents and Carers

As children and young people prepare to return to school, we are sending a reminder about free online courses available to everyone in Birmingham to help to support with parenting.

There are 24 different online courses in a variety of languages. The courses include:

  • Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager
  • Understanding your child with additional needs
  • Understanding your child’s mental health and well being
  • Understanding your relationships

Just enter the word COMMUNITY in the access code box to get started - Online Learning (

For queries or further information, email the Family Hubs team at

Bring it on Brum!

As the Bring it on Brum! Summer programme draws to a close, we hope children and young people found ways to have a happy, healthy holiday!

Many thanks to all providers, staff and volunteers for giving young people across Birmingham access to a huge range of fun activities and experiences as part of the Bring it on Brum programme.

All feedback is appreciated and enables the Bring it on Brum programme to develop and improve its offer to participants.

A parents or guardian of a child/children attending a club, or a participant with parent/guardian support, can provide feedback by following the appropriate links:

For more information on holiday activities please visit

Moseley and Kings Heath Public Space Protection Order Consultation

There has been work amongst partners through the South East Birmingham, Local Community Safety Partnership, to look at issues being experienced by local residents in Both Moseley & Kings Heath. 

Birmingham City Council is consulting on the proposal to introduce a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in the area around the Moseley & Kings Heath High Streets. This is to address anti-social behaviour that includes, but is not limited to, street drinking and associated behaviour, youth violence, consumption of intoxicating substances including nitrous gas, large anti-social groups gathering and destruction of public property including graffiti.

To take part in the consultation simply follow this link Moseley and Kings Heath Public Space Protection Order Consultation. The consultation will close on 17 September 2023.

For queries or further information, email Emma Chander at

New Vodcast on the Early Years Professional Development Programme

Funded by the Department for Education in England and delivered by Education Development Trust the EYPDP is a tailored professional development programme and forms part of the government's Early Years education recovery plan which aims to address the continued effect of the pandemic on young children.

This training is available to eligible practitioners across all participating local authorities in England, there will be staggered start dates across 2023\25 with a total of 4 cohorts, the next of which is due to start in September 2023. Participants will receive high quality, evidence-based CPD (continuous professional development) to support them to improve outcomes on school readiness.

The EYPDP is focused on supporting practitioners who work with children aged 2 to 4 years in order to improve outcomes in:

  • Communication and Language
  • Early Mathematics
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We are pleased to share the new Foundation Years vodcast with Lyn Challender from Education Development Trust . In the session, Lyn provides an overview of the Department for Education's Early Years Professional Development Programme: EYPDP vodcast - Foundation Years - YouTube

To find out more and to register your interest, visit the Early Years Professional Development Programme website. Cohort 2 starts in September and Cohort 3 starts in January 2024

For any queries or further information, email the Early Years Consultant's duty support team:

Early Help: Payment by Family Outcomes

Birmingham Children’s Trust and Birmingham Education Partnership are re-launching the programme of incentives for educational settings to evidence successful early help work with children and families. This will involve a payment of £250 to the school for each family case that meets the criteria:

  • Family must have been worked with in the last 2 years from October 2021.
  • Families must present 3 out of the 10 needs in the Think Family Outcomes Framework
  • All needs, including emerging needs must have been resolved.
  • Need to be supported by a whole family assessment, plan and closure form that are submitted via the ECINS Case Management Module (CMM) N.B this is not the ECINS module for Operation Encompass. 
  • Payments to be made the month after the quarter end (e.g. January 2024, April 2024, July 2024, October 2024, January 2025 and April 2025)
  • Payments will be issued by the Education Safeguarding Team

The full details of the programme are available on Birmingham Education Hub

Details about how to sign up for ECINS CMM which is available to all educational settings at no cost are in the presentation here. This software and the training to support it is funded fully by Birmingham Children’s Trust.

Support with ECINs sign up and how to navigate the system will be provided by the

For support from the Think Family Data team in identifying outcomes and understanding the Outcomes Framework, email the Data team:

To book training, visit Think Family School’s Incentive for Family Outcomes on Eventbrite

Occupational Health & Safety – Training Courses September 2023

MIDAS Full Course – 13th September 2023: 9:30am to 1:00pm

Cost: £265.00 per delegate

Venue: Driver Training Centre, Atlas Works, Kings Road (entrance opposite James Road), Birmingham B11 2AS Drivers are asked to wait in the MOT Reception Waiting Room.
To book your place simply follow this link

MIDAS Refresher – 14th September 2023

Date: 14th September 2023 – Start Time: 9:30am to 1:00pm
Cost: £171.00 per delegate

Venue: Driver Training Centre, Atlas Works, Kings Road (entrance opposite James Road), Birmingham B11 2AS Drivers are asked to wait in the MOT Reception Waiting Room.
Book your place

Level 3 Award – First Aid at Work (Re-qualification) – 18th & 19th September 2023: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Cost: £164.00 per delegate

Venue: Stirchley Baths, Bournville Lane, Stirchley, Birmingham B30 2JT

Book your place

Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work – 2526 and 27 September 2023: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Cost: £194.00 per delegate

Venue:  Stirchley Baths, Bournville Lane, Stirchley, Birmingham B30 2JT.

Book your place

For queries or further information regarding the above training sessions, email the School Safety team:

Lunch or refreshments will not be provided at any in-person training sessions.

Refugee Education UK (REUK) Survey

Refugee Education UK (REUK) are inviting schools to take part in a survey for a research study into the education of children who arrive in the UK aged 13-19.

It is recognised that those who arrive in the UK in their teenage years typically face significant challenges in access to and progression in education. REUK are keen to ensure the research represents all areas of the UK to properly capture the barriers and best practices adopted to overcome them.

Take a few minutes to complete the survey and share the link with other colleagues. The information you provide will prove invaluable to the research study.

For any queries regarding the survey, email Amy Ashlee, Research Manager at REUK –


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