Noticeboard - 16 February 2023

Welcome to this week's noticeboard which contains information on arrangements for the offer of year 7 places on 1 March, news on 'One Hundred Brilliant Days!' an opportunity to celebrate Birmingham's Children, Young People and Services, and much more!

Arrangements for the Offer of Year 7 Places on 1 March 2023

Information about the arrangements for secondary school offer day will be posted on the council's website and also emailed to Year 6 parent/carers next week.

This will set out the process for the offer of secondary school places on Wednesday 1 March 2023. Information will also be shared on the council's social media accounts prior to National Offer Day.

Offer emails will be sent on Wednesday 1 March 2023 and we expect that parent/carers will receive their emails by 4pm - the exact time will depend on their email service provider. Parent/carers will also receive their child’s offer by letter from 2 March 2023.

To ensure consistency for all families, waiting lists in Birmingham will not be made available until 22 March 2023. Waiting list information will not be available before that date.

Applications received after the final closing date (31 October 2022) will be considered after applications received on time and processed after 1 March 2023.

On 17 April, Birmingham Children and Young People’s Partnership will be launching a new children and young people’s plan: Change for Children & Young People 2023-2027. Our ambition is that Birmingham will be a great place to grow up.

One Hundred Brilliant Days! 

As we launch Change for Children & Young People, we want to celebrate Birmingham’s brilliant children, young people and services, by celebrating One Hundred Brilliant Days.

From the launch, we will be shining spotlights every day on examples of how our services are supporting children and young people. From the landmark events to the unsung everyday actions, we know that there is a huge amount of brilliant work happening and we believe that celebrating our strengths and increasing their visibility will help us to make Birmingham a great place to grow up.

Let us know what you want to celebrate! Get in touch at

Oracle System Implementation Update

As there have recently been a number of separate Oracle related communications, this month’s update includes a useful summary of the key points from these messages and the latest engagement activities.

Engagement Sessions  

A second ‘Discovery’ Workshop took place on 24 January between council representatives and several Schools Business Managers, followed by a wider BASBM forum meeting on 31 January. Both provided an opportunity to discuss latest progress updates and timelines for technical improvements, as well as an opportunity to identify and discuss actions to resolve any new issues. The valuable insight gained from these engagement sessions will continue to inform how we support you through this ongoing period of change.  

Data Security

Birmingham City Council has recently become aware that Birmingham schools are increasingly being targeted by criminals trying to gain access to personal information and IT systems via scam or ‘Phishing’ emails. Data breach risks can be minimised by having tighter technical controls in place, but data breaches like email scams like ‘phishing’ can occur due to human error, or a lack of cyber security awareness.

There is information available on national websites to help protect school networks and the city council’s IT systems:

How to report an email phishing scam:


  • Reconciliation Files:

    • Weekly file production has continued with the pace increasing. As of Friday 10 February we have moved on to week 45 (week ending 13 November).
    • A problem was identified with External Payment Account (EPA) schools’ reconciliation files, where files included journal transactions that did not need to be transferred to MISs. The underlying cause was identified and a fix applied 8 February, effective for all files from week 30. We will be circulating correcting files to address the issue retrospectively for files up to week 29 so schools should continue to load all weekly files.
    • The Council is working to ensure schools have time to finalise reconciliation work, providing a date for completion which will fall after schools return from the Easter break. Exact dates will be circulated within the forthcoming closedown timetable.
    • We are looking at ways to unburden schools from financial requirements set by the Council to allow them to concentrate on reconciliation work and further information will follow. Please note the Schools Financial Value Standard return (SFVS) will still be required by 31 March as this is a DFE requirement and similarly the Fair Funding budget information will also be required by 31 May.
    • Where schools still feel unable to complete the reconciliation work in time, we will look at ways of providing additional support should this be requested.
    • Supporting information about the weekly file download process is available via the Oracle system user guidance webpage.
  • Payroll Report:

    • The work on providing access to specific employer’s payroll information is continuing, with final testing anticipated to conclude shortly. We acknowledge that this access has not been available as quickly as we anticipated and apologise for the delay. We are making every effort to provide this access as soon as possible.

People Services (HR)

  • Salary Statements:

    • regrettably, we are still waiting for final amendments to be made to the Salary report. This means that we are not currently able to complete salary statements where requests have been made. As soon and this is finalised, we will advise and commence the production of Salary Statements.
  • Employee Self Service (ESS) Roll Out:

    • As there remains a significant number of employees in schools who have not activated and set up their ESS accounts, during week commencing 20 February (after half term) these employees will receive direct email invitations to set up ESS.
    • Please can you encourage and support your employees to action this invitation at their earliest opportunity and highlight to us any problems.
    • The activation of ESS accounts becomes increasingly important as the production of paper payslips is due to cease from 1 April 2023.
    • Please note, where schools or individuals have emailed the portal help desk requesting support with access or re-invitations, these will be sent out week commencing 13 February, so they will be able to sign up before half term.

Reminder of main points of contact and other information

Maximising Oracle Employee Self Service

Preparation for the move from paper to online payslips from 1 April 2023

When Oracle Employee Self Service (ESS) was introduced to schools and academies in May 2022, direct emails were sent to schools’ staff, with a live link and guidance on how to activate their account to access their online HR records. Up until now, fortnightly reminder emails have continued to be sent to those who have not activated their accounts.

With paper payslip production ending from 1 April 2023 and an ongoing need to ensure robust data security, it is important that as many staff as possible activate their ESS accounts.

As Form Raisers, your assistance is required please, in supporting the following activities to maximise ESS take-up:   

Activating remaining ESS accounts:

  • For data security purposes, the automatic process for sending access links in fortnightly reminder emails has ceased.
  • Instead, one final direct email will be sent during week commencing 27 February 2023 to staff who have not yet enabled ESS.
  • This email will be sent from the mailbox and will include a link via which staff can activate their account – this link will be active for 14 days from the issue date.
  • To help minimise data security risks, staff who do not activate their account within the 14-day period, must inform their school’s Form Raiser
  • The Form Raiser should then contact the Schools HR Help Desk on their behalf, to request a new activation request email to be sent direct to the member of staff within a period of four term-time weeks. 
  • All contact regarding ESS must be via school Form Raisers - Schools HR Help Desk will not accept direct contact/emails from staff.

Requests and required information already submitted via Form Raisers on behalf of staff:

  • If you contacted the mailbox in January regarding ESS activation for your staff, they will be sent a new activation request email before half-term commences.
  • For requests made during February, staff will receive a new activation request email after half term.
  • Again, this link will only be active for 14 days from the date of issue, after which staff will need to inform their Form Raiser, as set out above.

New starters:

  • For new starters needing an email address adding to their Oracle record, or staff who need to change their email addressplease provide their full name, employee number and work email address via email to This will enable an Oracle account activation email to be sent to them.
  • The activation email will contain a link via which staff can activate their accounts. This link will expire 14 days from the date of issue, after which staff will need to inform their Form Raiser, as above.

ESS activation guidance:

  • Staff can follow the steps in the HR Schools Employee Self Service video guidance to activate their accounts.
  • During the activation process, staff will receive a prompt to set up their two-stage multi-factor authentication using an App. Instead of using this App it is recommend that staff follow the alternative method set out within the guidance, using a phone number to receive the authentication number via text or call.

Staff without online access to ESS:

  • Staff without an email address or online access to ESS will continue to be sent paper payslips to their home address. It is therefore important to ensure that their address in Oracle is correct. More information about the continuation of paper payslips for these staff will follow in due course.

As the 1 April deadline approaches for moving from paper to online payslips, there will be regular follow up communication and information regarding the process set out above.

In the meantime, your support is greatly appreciated.

The Oracle Communications Team 

Local Government Superannuation Scheme

Please note a reduction to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme Rate to 27.2% from 1 April 2023, applicable to Birmingham City Council maintained schools only.  

At present this rate is provisional, although it is anticipated that these will be the final figures.  Should there be any amendment this would be minor, however the pension fund cannot confirm this until March.

Free Open Event for Educators

West Midlands Police Museum are holding another free open day for educators on Tuesday, 14 March 2023.

Teachers and other education representatives can book up to two free tickets for a visit which will include a guided tour and an opportunity to meet with the Engagement Officer and team and see what the museum can offer.

Tickets can be booked by simply following this link or contact Archie for further details at

Birmingham People’s History Archive

Birmingham People’s History Archive (BPHA) has a Historic England grant for an industrial heritage project Funding for 57 New Projects Across England That Will Tell the Untold Stories of Our Nation’s Working-Class Heritage | Historic England

The project, Making History: The World of Birmingham Workers, will help preserve our fast-changing city’s history. University of Birmingham students with Oral History Society training Home - Oral History Society ( have interviewed retired local workers.

BPHA can now offer two schools the opportunity to use these interviews, and industry information, to create artwork and teaching resources.  Artists in Schools | Developing Art in Education will provide up to two days of in-school support. Each school will also receive funding for three teacher cover days; at least one will be used for making project-related teaching resources.

BPHA, based at Birmingham & Midland Institute, was founded in 2021. They are totally volunteer run, but with considerable support from local and national archivists who describe this longstanding collection of materials about local, national, and international working-class history as significant.

Please send enquiries and expressions of interest to Gill Binnie by 7 March 2023.

DfE Funding for Empowering Primary School Mental Health and Wellbeing

The deadline for the Department for Education's Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) training grant application has been extended, offering £1200 to schools looking to train a SMHL before the end of the academic year.

DfE quality-assured SMHL training is offered through Wellbeing Through School, a provider that stands out from the rest. Their online training equips SMHLs with the necessary skills, and also provides primary schools with the award-winning and NHS-backed Wellbeing Through Sport® programme.

This comprehensive programme promotes mental health and wellbeing for both pupils and staff, offering online training, lesson plans for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils, and reflective activities. The unique approach emphasises the use of physical activity to help young people acquire life skills, build resilience, and safeguard their mental health.

For more information, please visit For further information or queries please contact or telephone 0161 393 3330.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of your school community, implement a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing, and fulfil DfE and Ofsted expectations.

Find out more about the DfE Senior Mental Health Lead Training grant at

Key Stage 3 The Lost Years – How To Manage A Successful Transition?

Monday, 13 March 2023 – 09:00-12:00

The transition from year 6 to year 7 is a significant milestone but one that often sees children fail to make expected progress This session aims to explore the links between the KS2 and KS3 curricula in turn will you to be more knowledgeable of students’ starting points, the direction of their learning post-SATs and strategies to achieve this. We will explore the transition process considering relationship forming, institutional adjustment, and curriculum interest and continuity.

To book your place simply follow this link

For further information or if you have any queries, please contact Marsha Blissett:

Supporting Children who have Experienced Trauma

Tuesday, 28 March 2023 – 09:00-16:00

During this online training, delegates will develop their understanding of the ongoing impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences and the additional support these children will require to achieve their best.

Delegates will gain:

  • An understanding of ways in which a child’s brain development is impacted by trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • Confidence in their ability to identify and understand how trauma affects children and adolescents
  • A knowledge of the different types of trauma children may have experienced
  • An understanding of the impact of secure and insecure attachment on brain development and mental health
  • An understanding of the principles of a trauma-informed approach to supporting traumatised children and adolescents
  • A range of practical strategies to help regulate distressed children.

Delegates will also have chance to discuss best practice in their own settings and ask questions of other delegates regarding dealing with trauma.

To book your place simply follow this link

For further information or if you have any queries, please contact Lucie Welch:

Summer Time Advanced Aerospace Residency

The STAAR (Summer Time Advanced Aerospace Residency) Programme is brought to you by Northrop Grumman, with the support of the Northrop Grumman Foundation, and in partnership with the RAF Museum.  It is being delivered by the Museum, Royal Air Force Cosford and TA Education.

STAAR is designed for Year 9 (Scottish S3) students who demonstrate an interest or aptitude for one or more STEM subjects.

The STAAR competition is open to Year 9 students. Teams of 5 students can take part in the STAAR competition and complete a series of STEM tasks for the chance to win a fully-funded one of a kind STEM residential at RAF Cosford. The competition opens on 27 February and closes on 31 March. The competition includes four STEM tasks.

The entries will be judged by the STAAR team, and lucky teams will be selected to attend the fully-funded residential.

This is an immersive, hands-on residential camp, like no other. Successful students stay with chaperones on base at RAF Cosford, and each day of the course is delivered at the RAF Museum or on base at RAF Cosford by RAF Museum STEM Ambassadors, industry experts from Northrop Grumman, Tablet Academy professionals and RAF STEM personnel.

The Programme is funded by the Northrop Grumman Foundation and all places on the STAAR Programme are provided free to the selected students. Residentials are held between:

  • Monday 17 - Friday 21 July 2023
  • Monday 24 - Friday 28 July 2023

There are 20 spaces available for each week of the residential, with 40 spaces available overall.

For further information please contact Victoria Lane: or telephone 01902 376219



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