New works on the highway
We will look at any requests for new works on or related to roads and pavements which may address any problems encountered by road users or pedestrians. New works refer to new street furniture, new traffic calming measures and new pedestrian crossing facilities.
Types of new works
New street furniture
Street furniture includes:
- bollards – all shapes and sizes and made of concrete, metal, plastic etc. and often used as a physical deterrent to protect vulnerable users.
- pedestrian guard rails – frequently found in high pedestrian areas or at pedestrian crossing facilities and used to protect vulnerable users.
- benches – seating placed on the public highway
- street name plates – the signs installed at the end of the street to indicate its name and post code.
- grit bins – large plastic yellow bins placed on the highway to store salt for gritting roads and pavements in the winter
- ‘No Ball Games’ stickers
Additional street lighting
Requests for additional street lighting can be made where there has never been lighting before such as in a right of way.
New road markings
Requests for new road markings can be made where there are concerns about parking issues and driveway obstructions. Such road markings include:
- white advisory ‘H’ markings* - to highlight a driveway access and deter obstruction by overhanging vehicles
- disabled Bay advisory marking* – if the property does not have off road parking an application can be made for a disabled bay
- yellow line requests – single or double, School Keep Clear markings etc. all subject to priority due to high cost.
*following criteria applies:
- only blue badge holders will be considered
- a vehicle must be registered to the property where the markings are to be installed
New traffic calming measures
Traffic calming measures include:
- speed cushions – twin cushions or three depending on road width
- speed tables/humps – tend to be full road width
- traffic signals/filter lights – to improve traffic movement or relieve congestion at peak times
- junction alteration or new road layout – to change priority/reduce injury collisions
Dropped kerbs for commercial premises
If you want to apply for a dropped kerb to access commercial premises (such as shops, offices, garages, schools, etc), complete our new works request form.
New pedestrian crossing facilities
Pedestrian crossing facilities include:
- dropped kerbs for pedestrians – lowered access kerbs normally situated at the ends of a footway to aid pedestrians/mobility scooters crossing roads. If you need to apply for vehicle access to a residential property, visit our dropped kerbs for vehicles page
- pedestrian crossing facilities – controlled or uncontrolled crossing facilities to aid pedestrian movements across roads, types include:
- pedestrian refuges – a half way crossing point or refuge in the centre of a road
- zebra crossings – a formal crossing facility situated at busy pedestrian locations, suitable on roads with an average speed of 35mph or less
- pelican crossings – a formal crossing, the lights are activated when the button is pushed to stop traffic