Don't lose your right to vote

Published: Monday, 13th March 2017

People in Birmingham are being reminded to ensure their voices are heard in May’s elections.

Anyone wishing to vote must first be registered to do so – and the deadline for registration is 13 April 2017.

After this date, anyone who has not registered will not be able to vote in the West Midlands Mayoral election on 4 May, meaning they cannot have a say in the democratic process.

Anyone who has not yet registered to vote can do so online at and it only takes a few minutes.

Online registration is a more secure system of registration which was introduced in 2014 to replace the old Victorian system where the “head of household” registered everyone living in a property. Now, each individual is responsible for registering themselves.

Anyone not included on the electoral register not only loses their vote but may also have difficulty getting credit, making it difficult to get a mortgage or even a phone contract in future.

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