News archive
News published July 2019
Illegal cigarettes and cash seized in day of action
Illegal cigarettes worth more than £4,000 have been seized during a day of action led by Birmingham City Council’s Trading Standards team and West Midlands Police.
Fly-tipper jailed for five months
A man responsible for the dumping of waste in the garden of an empty house in Handsworth has been jailed for five months by Birmingham Crown Court today (25 July 2019).
Birmingham gets new deal on digital autopsy scanner
Birmingham City Council has announced that it has successfully negotiated a deal that will provide the city with access to a Computed Tomography Post Mortems (CTPM) scanner on a trial basis.
Plans for new improvement model to best serve residents
Birmingham City Council has published a proposal to appoint a number of non-executive advisors aligned to its priority areas, as part of its ongoing improvement journey
True value of city’s parks and open spaces calculated at £11billion
The value of parks and green estate in Birmingham, in terms of what they offer to all aspects of life in the city, has been calculated as £11billion.
Another step forward for Birmingham children's services
The Department for Education has said that a commissioner for Birmingham’s children services is no longer required.
Council awarded £1.2m of government migration funding
Birmingham City Council received £1.2m from the Government's Controlling Migration fund, for two projects aimed at helping asylum seekers, refugees and migrants integrate into the city's communities.
New provider for home-to-school transport service
Birmingham City Council today announced that the majority of its home-to-school transport service will be provided by West Midlands Accessible Transport Ltd, a subsidiary of National Express.
Watt in the World exhibition celebrates bicentenary
A new exhibition on James Watt has opened at the Library of Birmingham.
Celebrating children's rights in Birmingham
A celebration of Birmingham schools achieving the Unicef Rights Respecting School award, from nursery through to secondary, took place in the city today.