Living Streets: promoting walking and providing useful information, ideas and resources, including:
- National Walking Month in May.
- Walk to School Week: Part of National Walking Month.
- Walk Once a Week: Rewards children for walking to school once per week with a collectible badge.
International Walk to School Month in October.
Brake’s Giant Walk: Walking event in schools every June.
WOW - the walk to school challenge: The walk to school challenge WOW, is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the Living Streets interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If pupils travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!
WOW Ambassador: Pupils can become a Living Streets WOW Ambassador for their school! A WOW ambassador’s key role is to champion all things WOW in their class and across the school, encouraging other pupils to walk or travel actively to school. They may also help with recording journeys on the WOW Travel Tracker and take the responsibility of awarding WOW badges at the end of each month.
WOW Top Ten: The WOW Top Ten is a simple idea to boost pupils’ engagement in the WOW challenge and increase your school’s walking rates. Taking part in the challenge will support pupils’ health and wellbeing while reducing congestion and pollution around the gates.
Launching WOW - everything you need: Find everything you need to launch WOW within your school
Page last updated: 7 May 2024