What's on offer?

What can you expect if your school registers with Modeshift STARS?

  • Support in completing your application to gain Modeshift STARS accreditation
  • Opportunity to attend Modeshift STARS celebration events
  • Access to road safety resources and webinars
  • Bikeability training delivered through the Active Well Being Society
  • A series of free toolkits:
    • School Keep Clear toolkit designed to tackle inconsiderate/illegal parking around the school, followed by enforcement
    • Switch Off toolkit enabling schools to take action and join us in tackling air pollution caused by idling vehicles
    • 20mph toolkits designed to help spread the ‘Slower is Safer’ message
  • Receive regular newsletters to keep up to date with resources and campaigns
  • Option to apply for funding through the Young Active Travel Trust

For more information, email connected@birmingham.gov.uk

Page last updated: 17 September 2024

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