The City Centre Movement and Access strategy (CCMA) aims to introduce a series of infrastructure and traffic management measures over a number of years, in order to transform the city centre into a more attractive place to live, work, visit, and do business.
In line with the Birmingham Transport Plan, the CCMA strategy aims to:
- provide safer facilities for active travel
- prioritise public transport
- reduce the dominance of private vehicles on local roads and lead to greater use of the A4540 ring road
In September 2021, we consulted on the City Centre Movement and Access project (previously known as City Centre Segments). This consultation was to make permanent the temporary traffic measures introduced in 2020 and included new traffic management measures along Cheapside to form part of the segment boundary.
The 2021 consultation set out the proposals which include a series of traffic management interventions along Cheapside to reduce through traffic and to redirect it onto the A4540 Middleway (ring road).
View the Cheapside Proposals Overview plan
This plan is not accessible with screen reader technology. If you would like an officer to explain the contents of the plan to you, email Transport.Projects@birmingham.gov.uk.
In September 2024, we consulted on the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs, the legal documents required to make changes to the road) associated with the project.
View the TRO consultation on Be Heard.
The TROs in this consultation included changes to:
- One-way streets
- Contra-flow cycling
- Contra-flow bus lanes
- Bus gates
- Parking restrictions
- Speed humps
- Traffic movement
Page last updated: 20 December 2024