Vision and values


  • To strengthen Birmingham’s’ evidence base on the value of arts, culture and heritage on public health
  • Drive joined-up system-based action on prevention, promotion, and accountability in addressing health inequalities using arts, culture and heritage-based interventions
  • Foster creativity and collaboration between arts, culture and heritage and public health initiatives and their delivery to address local health inequalities
  • Commission valuable and impactful arts, culture and heritage projects tailored towards Birmingham residents most affected by health inequalities
  • Ensure a clear arts, culture, heritage, and health framework is produced that identifies our process and engagement that is well understood by local arts, culture and heritage organisations to allow for good governance


  • Inform - by providing balanced and evidence-informed arts, culture heritage, and health information to understand local health inequalities
  • Involve - by creating the best possible solutions targeted towards local communities impacted the most by health inequalities
  • Influence - by actively engaging with local organisations, groups, and individuals to ensure opinions and experiences are consistently understood and considered specifically upon the people impacted by the proposed change
  • Partner - by joining up people from areas, considering those that are alternatives and working to identify common goals and ambitions, championing shared responsibility to influence local and regional health policy
  • Empower - by sharing and creating informed decision-making that is based on trusted and intentional partnerships
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