Diverse, healthy and sustainable eating guidance
The vision of the Birmingham Food System Strategy is to create a fair, sustainable and prosperous food system and economy, where food options are nutritious, affordable and desirable so everyone can thrive.
To achieve this, communities, health professionals and educational professionals need to have a shared understanding about what we mean by a nutritious and sustainable diet.
Our city-wide partnership identified a major opportunity for Birmingham to better support the diets of our culturally and ethnically diverse community, and set the innovative standard for the world.
The Eatwell Guide, which is the UK's national tool to support people to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, was published in 2016 and has been a useful tool for many. However, the Eatwell guide can be difficult for people to understand, hard to follow for daily guidance, and most importantly,it does not reflect different cultural diets.
Our solution is to create new eating guidance, that will provide easy to follow resources that support healthy and sustainable diets. These will be tailored to different cultures, health conditions and needs.
They will also be tailored for different purposes and community, education and health settings.
Birmingham Eating Guidance exploration report
This report captures the progress so far in the Birmingham Eating Guidance project as well as pulling evidence from multiple sources together in one place.
Download the full version of the report
Download the short version of the report
Download the report annex - Birmingham Eating Guidance Exploration 2024
Get Involved
The next phase of the project is now being delivered and we are working with Public Health departments across the UK to develop guidance and resources that empower communities and professionals, and are adapted to meet their needs.
Get in touch if you are in a Public Health department, or deliver a health service, and are interested in collaborating on this project.
For example, piloting resources with a community you work with or supporting people with a particular health condition. Email us: FoodSystemPH@birmingham.gov.uk
Page last updated: 29 November 2024