Cross cutting and strategic work stream objectives

The Birmingham Food System Strategy has created six strategic work stream objectives and four cross cutting theme objectives as a framework for action. These were developed based on the international evidence-based learning from networks such as Sustainable Food Places, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration, and through discussions with people involved in Birmingham’s food system.

Six strategic work streams

Food production – how food is grown and produced

  • Empowering and enabling citizens and local producers to grow food throughout the year and connect to the city’s food system.

Food sourcing – where food comes from

  • Increasing both supply and demand for local, environmentally sustainable, ethical and nutritious foods in the food system.

Food transformation

  • Transforming the food offer and diets to contain more diverse, nutritious and sustainable ingredients, and less fat, salt and sugar.

Food waste and recycling

  • Minimising food waste and unsustainable packaging throughout the food system and maximising the repurposing and redistribution of surplus.

Food economy and employment

  • Facilitating a thriving local food economy for all and maximising training and employment opportunities.

Food safety and standards

  • Improving food safety and standards for Birmingham’s citizens and businesses.

Four cross cutting theme objectives

Food skills and knowledge

  • Empowering citizens with knowledge and skills in relation to the food system.

Food behaviour change

  • Developing the capability, opportunity and motivation for key behaviours that will enable long term change.

Food security and resilience

  • Increasing access to sufficient affordable, nutritious and safe food for all citizens, all the time, in every community, and at every age.

Food innovation, partnership and research

  • Gathering insights and data and facilitating innovation, collaboration, learning and research across the food system.

These ten areas account for every stage of the food system and covers a vast area of work. Each of the objectives will have an action group to ensure progress is made in each of the strategic themes and work streams. In order to aid decision-making and prioritisation, and to strengthen proposed plans, we have introduced two tools:

  • Big Bold City Tool to prioritise areas for action across the food system, achieve a whole system approach, address gaps, and focus actions where they are needed most.
  • Food Action Decision-Making and Prioritisation (FADMaP) Tool to prioritise actions to improve the food system, consider whether actions are people focussed, effective and realistic, and work towards our ambition and addressing key priorities.

Read the Birmingham Food System Strategy to find out more about the work stream and cross cutting theme objectives, the Big Bold City Approach and the FADMaP Tool.

Express your interest in being involved in the Birmingham Food System Strategy action groups.

FADmap diagram

Page last updated: 29 August 2023

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