Our Future Nature City Plan

On 15 February 2022, the consultation for Our City of Nature Plan for Birmingham was launched, starting the exciting conversation on how the city treats its natural environment and how it thinks about the future of its parks and green spaces over the next 25 years. This builds upon the great work of Our Future City Plan 2040.

The council has outlined a vision for change, opening up equal access by ensuring all of its green spaces achieve the Birmingham Fair Standard, a way of assessing green spaces that directly respond to environmental justice.

In 2019 Birmingham declared a Climate Emergency. In 2021, the UK hosted a UN Climate Conference COP 26 in Glasgow - 30 years from the Rio Summit. The world is now a very different place, and it is racing to catch up with the science.

This City of Nature Plan captures this urgency, converts it into a practicable plan of action, and suggests delivery mechanisms for the city to become a Bolder Greener Birmingham.

The consultation ran from 15 February 2022 to 17 March 2022, and has now closed.

View the consultation report

All relevant material will remain available on the website. You can also find more information and videos covering the key themes in the consultation document.

The full City of Nature Plan is available to view.

An executive summary of the City of Nature Plan is also available to view.

You don't need to wait to get involved.

For more information, contact the City of Nature team via email at cityofnature@birmingham.gov.uk

Page last updated: 11 October 2024

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