What does BNG mean for developers?
From 12 February 2024, BNG will be mandatory under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021).
This means that most major developments will have to deliver a mandatory minimum of 10% BNG - there are some exceptions.
Small sites such as:
- minor developments - generally those of between 1 and 9 dwellings
- non-residential developments - less than 1000m2 floor space or a total site are of less than 1 hectare
are exempt from mandatory BNG until 2 April 2024.
View more information about what mandatory BNG means for you as a developer.
View more information about what types of development are exempt from mandatory BNG.
It is important to note that the mandatory requirement for BNG does not change existing requirements and protections for the natural environment, such as protecting designated nature conservation sites and important habitats and species.
View more information about other requirements for developers in relation to the natural environment.
Page last updated: 12 February 2024