Wards beginning T to Y

Tyseley and Hay Mills
Candidates Party Votes
Ali Syed Jamshed Liberal Democrat 306
Iqbal Zafar Labour Party 1361
Khan Shafayet Ali The Conservative Party Candidate 208
Sheridan Mike The Liberal Party Candidate 170
- Rejected Ballot Papers 11
- TOTAL 2056

This represents a majority of 1055 for Zafar Iqbal
Labour Party GAIN

Electorate: 7234
Turnout: 28.42%

Ward End
Candidates Party Votes
Aikhlaq Mohammed Labour Party 1663
Ali Nazabit Liberal Democrat 909
Hamblin Joseph David John The Conservative Party Candidate 166
Hussain Wajid Independent 331
- Rejected Ballot Papers -

This represents a majority of 754 for Mohammed Aikhlaq
Labour Party GAIN

Electorate: 7876
Turnout: 39.20%

Weoley and Selly Oak
Candidates Party Votes
Chatfield Tristan John Freeston Labour Party 2035
Flood Des Conservative Party Candidate 1878
Hardie Andrew David Conservative Party Candidate 1885
Hart Nick Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 77
Johnson Julie Labour Party 2080
Masters Eleanor Jane Green Party 410
Sword Trevor Peter Liberal Democrat 329
Wright Robert Ian Liberal Democrat 274
- Rejected Ballot Papers 13

Julie Johnson and Tristan John Freeston Chatfield
Labour Party GAIN

Electorate: 15588
Turnout: 30.37%

Yardley East
Candidates Party Votes
Caldecott Edwin Luke Charles The Conservative Party Candidate 140
Eustace Neil Anthony Liberal Democrat 1856
Wackett Ann Ruth Labour Party 863
- Rejected Ballot Papers 10
- TOTAL 2869

This represents a majority of 993 for Anthony Neil Eustace
Liberal Democrat GAIN

Electorate: 7969
Turnout: 36%

Yardley West and Stechford
Candidates Party Votes
Ali Mothin The Conservative Party Candidate 133
Baz Baber Liberal Democrat 1505
Dad Basharat Labour Party 1285
- Rejected Ballot Papers 18
- TOTAL 2941

Baber Baz
Liberal Democrat GAIN

Electorate: 7608
Turnout: 38.66%

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