Councillors' interests

You can view and download a copy of each Councillor’s Statutory Register of Members Interests from their Councillor page.

You can also read a copy of each Councillor’s Statutory Register of Members Interests at the Council House Reception Desk during normal office hours. You will need to pay a small fee if you want a copy of it.

What is the Statutory Register of Members Interests?

The City Council’s Monitoring Officer keeps a record called the Statutory Register of Members Interests. This is an official record which contains information about a Councillor that someone might reasonably think could influence their actions or words. This includes details of:

  • financial interests, such property, shares and dividends, and employment, including information about a Councillor’s partner’s employment
  • any company or organisation that a Councillor is involved with.

All Councillors must keep their Statutory Register up-to-date and tell the Monitoring Officer about any changes within 28 days of them happening.

What is a Gift Register?

Councillors must also tell the Monitoring Officer if they receive a gift, have a meal or attend an event free of charge in their role as a Councillor.  Again, they must tell the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of receiving the gift, meal or attending the event.

Not all Councillors will have a Gift Register.

Copies of the Gift Registers can be viewed from the Councillor’s pages and at the Council House Reception Desk during normal office hours.

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