Legacy we expect to leave from the pilot project
- Sustained usage of park facilities in Bordesley and Highgate Ward by priority groups (Families with young children and Schools and Early Years Providers, those with health concerns that can benefit from social prescriptions, socially isolated members of the community.)
- Increase in level of physical activity (based on reported activity level per week) within the parks in Bordesley and Highgate Ward.
- Increase in % people who report they have opportunities to be physically active in Parks.
- Increase in sense of wellbeing by people using the parks in Bordesley and Highgate Ward.
- The degree to which local people feel empowered and/or inspired to undertake physical or wellbeing activity as a result of improvements to their parks.
The five parks in Bordesley and Highgate ward will reach the Birmingham Fair Standard in effect increasing the environmental Justice score for the score of the park through the actions detailed in the Action Plan being developed being delivered by the BCoN Alliance and Birmingham City of Nature Operations Group.
- Actions plans for 6 other wards will be written together with BCC City of Nature Operations group and part delivery where possible. Details to be developed as part of this project.
- A Sustainable finance model for the delivery of actions through the BCoN Alliance will be created.
- Green Champions (individual volunteers and professionals) will be involved in the delivery of activities in the parks including, park maintenance (such as litter picking), nature recovery actions (such as tree planting), healthy activities (mindfulness walks), skill shares and activities created by the community as the place attachment with the park progresses.
Through working with communities, the Alliance will test and establish a model whereby communities are:
- Able to come together to agree on the actions that they will support and help deliver.
- Empowered to make decisions on what services or changes are required to create an even better standard of green space going forward.
- Supported to hold discussions with key services and decision makers so that the voice of the community is at the heart of decision making which affects the community.
This will require a focus on building the networks within communities or and the skills and confidence of those with influence within their community who can then represent the community voice with other organisations.