Birmingham Library and Archives Service is provided within the following legislative framework:
- The Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964
- The Obscene Publications Act 1959, 1964
- Equality Act 2010
- Public Order Act 1986
- Copyright Design & Patents Act 1988
- British Phonographic Institute/Library Association Agreement 1994
- Copyright & Related Rights Regulations 1996
- Crime and Disorder Act 1998
- Human Rights Act 1998
- Representation of the People Act 2000
- Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002
- Terrorism Act 2006
- Video Recordings Act 1984
- Video Recordings (Labelling) Regulations 2012
- Library Charges Regulations (Department of Culture, Media and Sport)
- EC Directive No. 77/62 (Public Procurement)
- EU Copyright Directive 2000
- Birmingham City Council Financial Regulations
- Sale of Goods Act