Council tenancies - Service standards Lettings and Post lettings support policyFile type: PDFSize: 232.95 KBDownload: Lettings and Post lettings support policy Service standards - Anti-social behaviourFile type: PDFSize: 18.71 MBDownload: Service standards - Anti-social behaviour Service standards - Estate walkabouts and inspectionsFile type: PDFSize: 251.17 KBDownload: Service standards - Estate walkabouts and inspections Service standards - Garages void and lettingFile type: PDFSize: 140.22 KBDownload: Service standards - Garages void and letting Service standards - Grounds maintenanceFile type: PDFSize: 249.33 KBDownload: Service standards - Grounds maintenance Service standards - High rise caretaking and cleaningFile type: PDFSize: 253.97 KBDownload: Service standards - High rise caretaking and cleaning Service standards - LettingsFile type: PDFSize: 103.03 KBDownload: Service standards - Lettings Service standards - Low rise cleaningFile type: PDFSize: 116.65 KBDownload: Service standards - Low rise cleaning Service standards - Rent and debt collectionFile type: PDFSize: 147.79 KBDownload: Service standards - Rent and debt collection Service standards - Security serviceFile type: PDFSize: 119.06 KBDownload: Service standards - Security service Service standards - Tenant engagementFile type: PDFSize: 248.35 KBDownload: Service standards - Tenant engagement Service standards - Think familyFile type: PDFSize: 167.78 KBDownload: Service standards - Think family Service standards - Think family request for support formFile type: PDFSize: 132.46 KBDownload: Service standards - Think family request for support form Service Standards - Wise MoveFile type: PDFSize: 129.47 KBDownload: Service Standards - Wise Move