Births, deaths and migration 2019 to 2020 Births in BirminghamFile type: PDFSize: 312.51 KBDownload: 2019 to 2020 Births in Birmingham 2019 to 2020 Deaths in BirminghamFile type: PDFSize: 807.44 KBDownload: 2019 to 2020 Deaths in Birmingham 2011 Birmingham Population & Migration Topic reportFile type: PDFSize: 1003.06 KBDownload: 2011 Birmingham Population & Migration Topic report 2011 population and migration profile for small areasFile type: XLSSize: 996 KBDownload: 2011 population and migration profile for small areas 2019 to 2020 Migration between Birmingham and the rest of the UKFile type: PDFSize: 869.03 KBDownload: 2019 to 2020 Migration between Birmingham and the rest of the UK 2019 to 2020 Migration between Birmingham and the rest of the UKFile type: XLSXSize: 748.48 KBDownload: 2019 to 2020 Migration between Birmingham and the rest of the UK 2021 to 2022 international migration - BirminghamFile type: PDFSize: 3.49 MBDownload: 2021 to 2022 international migration - Birmingham