Baguette 4 U Stephenson Limited

Baguette 4 U Stephenson Limited
Date case heard
Birmingham Magistrates Court
Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
Offence details
Five offences relating to conditions found during an inspection at Baguette World, 16 Stephenson Place, Birmingham. There was mouse and fly activity in the premises. Holes and gaps were present in the premises which could permit the ingress of mice. The premises was not kept clean, floors behind the grill of the table top sandwich filling refrigeration unit, the toilet waste pipe and floor beneath it, and the underside of the soap dispenser in the rear food preparation area were dirty. There was no hand wash basin or hand drying materials in the sanitary accommodation. Food packaging, baguette sleeves and polystyrene containers were stored on dirty shelving where mouse droppings were present.
£3,000.00 - Fine on offence 1.
£1,353.20 (requested £1,353.20)
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