Khan Palace Cafe Limited

Khan Palace Cafe Limited
Date case heard
Birmingham Magistrates Court
Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
Not guilty
Offence details
Found guilty in their absence of eight offences relating to conditions found at Khan Palace Café, 26 Moat Lane, Birmingham. There was evidence of mice activity throughout the premises including in the servery area of Khan Palace Café, the servery area of Waffle n Shakes, in the shared storeroom and in the dining area of Khan Palace Cafe. There were gaps large enough to allow the ingress of rodents. The premises was dirty and poorly maintained. There was an inadequate number of washbasins designated for cleaning hands, with hot and cold running water and materials for cleaning and drying. Raw materials were not kept in appropriate conditions. Food handlers were not supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters. There were no permanent procedures in place based on HACCP principles.
£12,000.00 - Fine on offence 1.
No separate penalty on remaining offences.
£1,277.25 (requested £1,277.25)
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