Matter A Statements
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Matter A: Housing Need and the Housing Trajectory (BDP Policies PG1, TP28 & TP30)
Main issue: Does the Plan appropriately identify housing needs and does it seek to meet them in accordance with national policy?
Hearing statements (submitted by participants at the hearing session)
- Matter A Hearing Statement Birmingham City Council
- Matter A Hearing Statement Birmingham City Council Appendix B2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Association of Black Country Authorities 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Barton Willmore 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement CBRE 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement CPRE West Midlands 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Framptons 2.
- Matter A Hearing Statement Harris Lamb 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement HBF 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement JVH Town Planning 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Mr Stephen Gwynne Appendix 2 Sustainability Indicators 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Mr Stephen Gwynne Redacted 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Nigel Gough Associates
- Matter A Hearing Statement Planning Prospects 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement RPS 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Savills Langley SUE Consortium 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Turley 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Wardell Armstrong 2
- Matter A Hearing Statement Mr Paul Gilmour 2
Written statements (submitted by non-participants at the hearing session)