Oasis Church Birmingham
- Address
South Street,
B17 0DB - Opening hours
Monday, 10:00am to 11:30am, Stay and play. Term time only.
Wednesday, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Community Café.
Wednesday, 9:00am to 5:00pm, Working Hub. - Contact
Phone: 0121 663 1957
Email: admin@theoasischurch.com
- Services
- Accessible entrance
- Free Wi-Fi
- Charging facilities for phones and other devices
- Work stations
- Refreshments such as hot drinks, cordials, and biscuits (pay what you can afford)
- Microwave to heat up your own food
- Toilets, including accessible toilets and baby-changing facilities
- Free parking on nearby streets and paid parking on York Street car park
- Sensory Space (bookable slots for £2 on Tuesdays)
- Map