Mrs Thorpe
A new pavilion at Bordesley Green allotment site was named in his honour and opened by his wife in July 1977.
" If we were obliged to nominate the allotment capital of Britain, we would have to name Birmingham. This would not be because the city has some of the most ancient as well as some of the newest gardens, nor because they range from the most rudimentary of sites to the most sophisticated leisure gardens, nor even because Meadow Road, Edgbaston, is the most immaculate allotment site that anyone could imagine, and where the work of the site maintenance is done by tenants, not the City. The reason why Birmingham is a model for other allotment holders as well as for other local authorities is because both sides have found a formula for effective administration."
From Crouch, D & Ward, C, The Allotment: its landscape and culture. Nottingham: Five Leaves, 1997.
Location: Meadow Road, Recreation and Community Services, box 18/7.