Mason Roberts' relief scraps (1887)

Mason roberts relief scraps 1887 scan

An amusing advertisement for relief scraps, available to purchase by post.

Location: The Children's Friend (1887) No. 322, October. Parker Collection BQp087.1/1884-7

Ho! Every one that uses (or thinks of using) Relief Scraps.
20 Selected Sheets, upwards of 200 Subjects, for 6d. only.
The largest and best selection of Scraps for retail ever offered.

Scraps for Scrap-Books, Scraps to delight Baby,
Scraps for screens, Scraps to amuse the Youngsters,
Scraps for Decorations, Scraps for Winter Evenings.

Scraps For Everybody.

Before laying this journal down, note address, and send seven stamps (one for postage) for 20 full-sized sheets of New Scraps. No mistake! A positive fact! Twenty full sheets of new and clean Scraps for 6d. only.

The Scrap Bon Marche

Everybody plump and smiling with delight on purchasing our Scraps. No Doctors' bills where our Scraps are used! Everybody laughs and gets fat. No delusive prize-giving: Twenty five per cent better value given on each of our Parcels on this account! Don't miss this treat; send at once seven stamps for 20 sheets, including packaging and carriage free. Shippers and the Trade supplied.

Our new illustrated Catalogue and Calendar for 1888 new ready, price 1d. only. Note address, Mason Roberts, 145 Fleet Street, London, E C

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