Examination documents
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- EXAM1 Inspector's Procedural Correspondence Letter 1 Initial Queries 21 July 2014
- EXAM2 Councils response to the Inspectors Procedural Correspondence Letter 1 August 2014
- EXAM2A BDP Proposed Main Modifications Schedule
- EXAM2B BDP Proposed Additional Modifications Schedule
- EXAM2C Councils Response to the Inspectors Initial Questions
- EXAM2D Replacement of the Saved Policies of the UDP 2005
- EXAM2E LEP Supervisory Board Report on Strategic Housing Needs Study
- EXAM2F PBA Presentation on Strategic Housing Needs Study
- EXAM2G CIL Viability Study
- EXAM3 5 Year Land Supply 2014-2019
- EXAM4 Duty to Co-operate Statement Update September 2014
- EXAM 5A HS2 Bill hearing 3 September 2014
- EXAM 5B HS2 Bill hearing 3 September 2014 pm
- EXAM 5C HS2 Bill hearing 4 September 2014
- EXAM 6 SHLAA 2014
- EXAM 6A SHLAA Appendix City Centre Map 2014
- EXAM 6B SHLAA Appendix Citywide Map 2014
- EXAM 7 Matter A Inspector's Clarification Questions to Birmingham City Council
- Exam 7A Inspectors Additional Queries Concerning matter A and Exam 33
- EXAM 8 Matter A Inspector's Clarification Questions to Barton Willmore
- EXAM 9 ABCA Position Statement Strategic planning in the West Midlands Metropolitan Area
- EXAM 10A Black Country Core Strategy Main Text
- EXAM 10B Black Country Core Strategy Appendices 1,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9
- EXAM 10C Black Country Core Strategy Appendix 2
- EXAM 11 Black Country Core Inspectors Report
- EXAM 12 Black Country LEP Strategic Economic Plan 31 March 2014
- EXAM 13 PAS Technical Advice Objectly Assessed Need and Housing Targets
- EXAM 14 PAS and LGA Guidance Ten Key Principals for Owning your Housing Numbers
- EXAM 15A BGS and DETR Mineral Resources Information for Development Plans West Midlands
- EXAM 15B BGS and DETR Mineral Resources Map Warwickshire and West Midlands
- EXAM 16 CLG National & Regional Guidelines for Aggregates Provision in England 2005
- EXAM 17 Walsall Council's Site Allocation Document Issues and Options 2013
- EXAM 18 Submission from Dr P Hoad Regarding Consultation and Record Keeping
- EXAM 19 Inspector's Matters B Clarification Questions
- EXAM 20 Selly Oak Supplementary Planning Document
- EXAM 21 Longbridge Officers Report
- Exam 22 The Wider Botanical Gardens Area Framework
- EXAM 23 Edgbaston Framework 814
- EXAM 24 HS2 Letter
- EXAM 25 Site Delivery Plan 2014
- EXAM 26 CIL Revised Charging Schedule
- EXAM 27 CIL Revised Viability Assessment
- EXAM 28 Birmingham Places for the Future Technical Note Viability Assessment 2011
- EXAM 29 Carbon Road Map
- EXAM 30 Birmingham Heritage Strategy 2013 to 2018
- EXAM 31 Birminghams Green Commission Report on Birminghams Carbon Emissions Progress 2013
- EXAM 32 Inspectors Matter C Clarification Questions
- EXAM 33 City Council Response to Matter A Clarification Questions
- EXAM 34 National Planning Policy for Waste
- EXAM 35 Waste Planning Practice Guidance
- EXAM 36 Inspectors Matter E Clarification Questions
- EXAM 37 Inspectors Matter F Clarification Questions
- EXAM 38 Barton Willmores Response to Inspectors Matter A Queries
- EXAM 39 BCC Opening Statements
- EXAM 40 Report of Black Country Planning Leads to ABCA Meeting of 17 September 2014 re GBSLEP Housing Study
- EXAM 41 Appeal Decision Offenham Worcestershire
- EXAM 42 BCC Response to Inspectors Matter B Queries
- EXAM 43 HBF Paragraph Reference from PAS Objectively Assessed Need
- EXAM 44 Major Site Case Study - Prologis Park, Ryton Rugby
- EXAM 45 Safeguarding Directions with Guidance Notes
- EXAM 45a HS2 Safeguarding Plans
- EXAM 46 Plan taken from HS2 Environmental Statement
- EXAM 47 Extract from the HS2 Hybrid Bill
- EXAM 48 Existing Developed Industrial Land Affected by HS2 Safeguarding
- EXAM 49 High Speed Rail
- EXAM 50 Replacement Table in BCC¹s Matter C Statement Consumption of Aggregates in Birmingham 2009
- EXAM 51 GBS & BC LEP Map
- EXAM 52 GBS & BC LEP and Greenbelt Map
- EXAM 53 Stephen Gwynne Green Belt Statement
- EXAM 54 Correspondence re GBSLEP BCLEP Strategic Housing Study
- EXAM 55 Land NE of Bham Sustainability Appraisal February 2014
- EXAM 56 GBSLEP Strategic Housing Needs Study
- EXAM 57 Peddimore Site History
- EXAM 58 Stephen Gwynne Matter E Statement
- EXAM 59 BCC Response to Inspectors Matter E Queries
- EXAM 60 Selected Housing Development Precedents March 2013
- EXAM 61 Washwood Heath Core Employment Site Components
- EXAM 62 Leeds City Council Administrative Boundary Map
- EXAM 63 Site Plan of Mr Nechells Land of Interest
- EXAM 64 Draft Circular 022013
- EXAM 65 BCC Response to Stephen Gwynne Natural Population Growth
- EXAM 66 Mott MacDonald Response to Matters Raised by Dr Hoad on Matter E
- EXAM 67 Response to Exam 59 Turley
- EXAM 68 GBSLEP Green Belt Plan
- EXAM 69 DCLG Press Release 6 October 2014 re protection for Green Belt Land
- EXAM 70A Plan of North Bristol Showing Location of Existing and Proposed Development Site In South Gloucestershire
- EXAM 70B Table Providing Key to Exam 70A and Plan Predicted Housing Delivery
- EXAM 70C Satellite Image Showing Distances Between North Bristol Sites
- EXAM 71 Letter to the Editor of the Observer from Ken Meeson Leader of Solihull Council Published 12 December 2013
- EXAM 72 Housing Trajectory Further Information
- EXAM 73 Signed Duty to Cooperate Agreement Between Lichfield DC and Birmingham City Council
- EXAM 74 Zurich v Winchester
- EXAM 75 GLVIA Extract
- EXAM 76 BCC Note on SA SEA Legal Compliance
- EXAM 77 Save Birmingham Wheels Park and Raceway Petition
- EXAM 78 Project Fields Response to BCC Consultation Statement
- EXAM 79a Plan Showing Sites in BCCs Matter B Hearing Statement Appendix 1
- EXAM 79b Revised Version of Matter B Hearing Statement Appendix 1
- EXAM 80 Response from Project Fields upon BCC Note Regarding SA Legal Compliance
- EXAM 81 Birmingham LP Comparison of PBA and BW OAN
- EXAM 82 5 Year Supply 2015 to 19 Proposed Modified Trajectory
- EXAM 83 Note to Inspector Local Plans Position Statement and Information on Intention to Review
- EXAM 84 Index of Sites in the SDP Identified by the Inspector from 5 Year HS 191114
- EXAM 85 Response to Project Fields Exam 78
- EXAM 86 SoGC BCC and Langley SUE Consortium Amendments
- EXAM 87 Family Focussed Housing Density Examples
- EXAM 88 Savills Evidence of Annual House Sale Completions and Number of Outlets
- EXAM 89 Longbridge AAP Inspectors Report
- EXAM 90 PBA Joint Strategic Housing Needs Study Phase 2 Report
- EXAM 90 Appendix D Demographic Data GSLEP Stratford and North Warwickshire
- EXAM 90 Appendix E Demographic Data Black Country and South Staffs
- EXAM 91 Suggested Modifications to Explanatory Text of TP29 and Policy TP30 Affordable Housing
- EXAM 92 Birmingham Connected Birmingham Mobility Action Plan White Paper
- EXAM 93 South Staffordshire GBSLEP Correspondence
- EXAM 94 Relevant Extracts of HS2 Bill Pertinent to CPRE Appearance Matter J
- EXAM 95 Agreed Sutton Coldfield Green Belt Land Ownership Plan
- EXAM 96 Extract from Centros Representations to HS2 Bill Referred to by CRPE During Matter I
- EXAM 97 Schedule of Progress on Highway Improvement Lines
- EXAM 98 Yardley Sewage Note
- EXAM 99 Empty Homes Note
- EXAM 100 Elderly Population Note
- EXAM 101 Family Housing Note
- EXAM 102 Inconsistencies Between Longbridge AAP and BDP
- EXAM 103 Black Country LEP PBA Study November 2014
- EXAM 104 PRIISM Local Model Validation Report
- EXAM 105 PRISM Forecasting Report DRAFT Version A
- EXAM 106 Transport Modelling Assessment Hybrid Model Output RevB
- EXAM 107 Stephen Gwynne Response to PBA Stage 2 Report (EXAM 90)
- EXAM 108 SoCG BCC & Turley Private Rented Sector
- EXAM 109 PBA Note on DCLGs Housing Projections Update
- EXAM 110 Dr Hoad Transport Note
- EXAM 111 Response to Dr Hoads Transport Note
- EXAM 112 Amended Plans for Growth Areas
- EXAM 113 Barton Willmores Response to PBA Stage 2 Report Exam 90
- EXAM 114 Matter H Gypsies and Travellers
- EXAM 115 CPRE WM Response to PBA Stage 2 Report EXAM 90
- EXAM 116 Paul Gilmore Response to PBA Stage 2 Report EXAM 90
- EXAM 117 Wardell Armstrong Response to PBA Stage 2 Report EXAM 90
- EXAM 118 RPS Response to PBA Stage 2 Report EXAM 90
- EXAM 119 Turley Response to PBA Stage 2 Report EXAM 90
- EXAM 120 BCCs Response to EXAM 102 Submitted by Planning Potential re Inconsistencies with Longbridge AAP & BDP
- EXAM 121 Summary of References in Birmingham Development Plan 2031 Evidence Base to Growth Area Policies Target
- EXAM 122 Signed Duty to Cooperate Agreement Between BCC and Black Country Authorities
- EXAM 122A Signed Duty to Cooperate Agreement Between BCC and Black Country Authorities Cover Letter
- EXAM 123 Kenneth Bruce Response to Transport Modelling Documents Exam 104 to 106
- EXAM 124 Dr P Hoads Response to PRISM Local Model Validation Report Exam 104
- EXAM 125 Dr P Hoads Response to Exam 111
- EXAM 126 Response to Exam 88 Savills Evidence of Annual House Sale Completions and Number of Outlets on Major Urban Extensions
- EXAM 127 Birmingham Population Changes by Age Band
- EXAM 128 Comparison Retail Commitments September 2012
- EXAM 128A Post Retail Comparison Commitments over 1000 sqm gross as at November 2014
- EXAM 129 Emails between BCC and DCLG re Anticipated Timescales for Release of Household Projections
- EXAM 130 BCC Response to Exam 123 to 125
- EXAM 131 Inspectors Interim Findings
- EXAM 132 Response to Inspectors Interim Findings
- EXAM 133 Peddimore Developable Land with Contours
- EXAM 134 Inspectors Letter to BCC re Timetable Moving Forward February 2015
- EXAM 135 Sustainability Appraisal Brief
- EXAM 136 BCC Response to Inspector February 15 Letter
- EXAM 137 Chairman of HS2 Select Committee Statement re Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot at Washwood Heath
- EXAM 138 HS2 Assurance Letter to BCC & Centro
- EXAM 139 Letter from Axa Real Estate to Select Committee
- EXAM 140 CRE Warwickshire Washwood Heath Comments
- EXAM 141 Project Fields Washwood Heath Comments
- EXAM 142 NWGC SA Update
- EXAM 142A BCC Response to North Worcs Golf Course SA Information Exam 142
- EXAM 143 Savills AXA Washwood Heath Comments
- EXAM 144 Birmingham Wheels SoCG Comments
- EXAM 144A BCC Exam 144 Response
- EXAM 145 PBA OAN Report March 2015
- EXAM 145A Response to PBA OAN Report from Wardell Armstrong on Behalf of Barratt Developments
- EXAM 145B Response to PBA OAN Report from Project Fields
- EXAM 145C Response to PBA OAN Report from Paul Gilmore
- EXAM 145D Response to PBA OAN Report from JVH Town Planning
- EXAM 145E Response to PBA OAN Report from Barton Wilmore
- EXAM 145F Response to PBA OAN Report from Savills on Behalf of Taylor Wimpey
- EXAM 145G Response to PBA OAN Report from Savills on Behalf of SUE Consortium
- EXAM 145H Response to PBA OAN Report from the Association of Black Country Authorities
- EXAM 145I Response to PBA OAN Report from the CPRE WM
- EXAM 146 Revised Sustainability Report 2015
- EXAM 146A Response to Revised SA From Highways England
- EXAM 146B Response to Revised SA From CBRE
- EXAM 146C Response to Revised SA From Dr P Hoad
- EXAM 146D Response to Revised SA From Project Fields
- EXAM 146E Response to Revised SA JVH Town Planning
- EXAM 146F Response to Revised SA From Turley
- EXAM 146G Response to Revised SA From Sutton Coldfield Civic Society
- EXAM 146H Response to Revised SA From Mr Paul Gilmour
- EXAM 146I Response to Revised SA From Savills on Behalf of Taylor Wimpey
- EXAM 146J Response to Revised SA From Savills on Behalf of Langley Sue Consortium
- EXAM 147 NWGC Transport Technical Note
- EXAM 148 CHP Technical Note
- EXAM 149 BCC Response to Washwood Heath Comments of CPRE Exam 140 Project Fields Exam 141 and Savills Exam 143
- EXAM 150 BCC Response to OAN comments Exam 145A-I
- EXAM 151 BCC Response to Revised SA Comments Exam 146A-J
- EXAM 152 Inspectors Letter to BCC re Revised SA Work
- EXAM 152A BCC Response to Inspectors Letter re Revised SA Work Exam 152
- EXAM 152B AMEC SA Revisions Technical Note
- EXAM 153 Cil Inspectors Report
- EXAM 154 Revised Sustainability Appraisal
- EXAM 155 Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications
- EXAM 156 Proposed Main Modifications to the Proposals Map
- EXAM 157 Revised BDP Plans 1 to 16
- EXAM 158 Schedule of Proposed Additional Modifications
- EXAM 159 Section 20(7c) Request
- EXAM 160 CIL Document S14 GVA Letter re Retirement and Care Homes December 2014
- EXAM 161 Housing Trajectory further information August 2015
- EXAM 162 GBSLEP PBA Stage 3 Report August 2015
- EXAM 163 Selly Oak SPD
- EXAM 164 Maintaining a Five Year Land Supply
- EXAM 165 5 Year Supply Statement
- EXAM 166A BDP Modifications Comments Spreadsheet
- EXAM 166b Revised SA Comments Spreadsheet
- EXAM 166C City Council Response to Key RSA Comments
- EXAM 167 SHLAA 2015
- EXAM 167A SHLAA 2015 Map
- EXAM 167B Citywide SHLAA 2015 Map
- EXAM 168A - Turley Letter to Inspector re Transport Evidence and Revised Sustainability Appraisal
- EXAM 168b BCC Response to Issues Raised by Cllr Mackey
- EXAM 168C Programme Officers Response to Turley on Behalf of the Inspector
- EXAM 169A Email from Cllr Mackey re Main Modifications and revised Sustainability Appraisal
- EXAM 169B BCC Response to Turley Letter
- EXAM 169C Programme Officers Response to Cllr Mackey of behalf of the Inspector