Glad ur not... at work Browse records within Glad ur not... at work A chimney sweep and his climbing boy (1895) A merry Christmas (c1870 to 1900) A street flower girl (1881) Apprentice shoemaker image Boy going to service (1875) Britannia's pride (1884) Buy my watercresses (1874) Cadbury's cocoa (c1888) Family friend (1873) How to wait at table (1887) Jack Jingle and Sucky Shingle (1840) John Stokes, manufacturer of wrought iron bedsteads (c1830) Jones, Smart and co, glass manufacturers (c1808) Letters from London (1808) Link boy (1870) Markham's spelling book (1850) Martineau and Smith (date unknown) Matches by Walter Sherwood (1897) Memorial card (1859) Mother's last words (1876) News boy (1870) Nosegay girl (1820) Nothing better to do (1880) R Turner, builder, joiner, cabinet and coffin maker (date unknown) Saturday morning in the Bull Ring (1883) See, here is a fool (1829) Sweep your door, marm? (1871) The day's earnings (1890) The flower girl (1887) The funny story of Punch and Judy (1875) The man with the pan-pipes (1891) The merry cobbler (1800) The shoe-black (1874) The shoe-black brigade The tumbler (1830) Thomas Ross, tool maker (c1830) Water-cresses (1820) William Bullock and co, Spon Lane iron foundry (date unknown)