Glad ur not... poor and destitute Browse records within Glad ur not... poor and destitute A grand bazaar (1883) Appeal for children's clothing (date unknown) Christmas greeting (c1888) General view of camp, Birmingham Clarion Cinderella Club Hark, hark, the dogs do bark (1858) Houlston's first guide to reading (1837) How a farthing made a fortune (1879) I is for Idlers (1870) Jessica's first prayer (1903) Last 'dition Echo, Sir! Only one ha'ap'ny! (1874) Miss Rye and her home for destitute girls (1874) Mother's last words (1876) Perseverance under difficulties (1887) Pudding all hot! (1820) Pussy's London life (1873) Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair (1890) Sold for three shillings (1888) The adventures of William Waters and his Ass Bob (1810) The baked potato man (1880) The beggar boy (1871) The boys' night refuge (1883) The history of a little boy found under a haycock (1830) The hole in the pocket (1866) The Italian organ boy (1874) The last of the petrified kidneys in the streets of Birmingham (1899) The night refuge for destitute boys (1882) The organ and monkey nuisance (1849) The orphan, wet with the rain (1820) The orphanage at Erdington (1869) The poor little boy (1875) Victoria, Princess Royal (1848) Watts's divine and moral songs, for children (1809) Youthful sailors (1874)