Parker collection images Browse records within Parker collection images April (1892) Dicky Bird Land (1900) Goosie Goosie Gander (1900) Henny Penny (1872) Home for the holidays (1870) King of the Barbaree (1900) Lighting up the lanterns (1905) Mother Goose (1890) Musical elf teaching the young birds to sing (1875) Out for an airing (1881) Puff-Puff, about a baby puffy-train (1899) Q Quartered it (1886) Sing a song for sixpence (1880) The brown dwarf and the bird of the wood (1870) The death and burial of Cock Robin (c1800) The dog (1873) The emigrant (1886) The great panjandrum himself (1885) The iron horse (1890) The King riding off with the dumb maiden (1872) The kingdom of the greedy (1870) The little boy in the barn (1879) The little girl who would not comb her hair (1860) The nursery alphabet (1870) The Sultana's stories (1870) The tale of the golden cockerel (1907) The wicked princess in her garden (1872)