Noticeboard - 22 June 2023

Welcome to this week's noticeboard containing information on the forthcoming Inclusion Headteacher Conference, a reminder to complete 2023 Data Collections, an opportunity to join the Speech, Language and Communication Needs Strategy Group, and more!

Inclusion Headteacher Conference - 10 July 2023

Don’t forget to register for the Inclusion Headteacher Conference taking place on Monday, 10 July 1:00pm to 4:30pm at Edgbaston Cricket Ground.

The programme is packed full of informative and interesting keynote presentations, and provides an opportunity for networking over lunch.

Alongside keynote speaker, Ian Hardman, His Majesty’s Inspector and Regional Lead for SEND, you’ll hear from Director of Children Services, Sue Harrison; John Coughlan CBE and Helen Ellis, Director for SEND and Inclusion. There’ll also be a facilitated discussion by Debbie James, former Birmingham Headteacher and School Improver, highlighting the barriers and strengths to inclusion in the city.

This ‘not to be missed’ event is designed for headteachers and we very much look forward to seeing you there! Book your place now by simply following this link.

Speech, Language and Communication Needs Strategy Group

Request for Head Teacher Representation

The work on the Balanced System approach to Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) is progressing well ready for implementation in September 23.

The Balanced System is the whole system strategic approach to supporting children and people with SLCN and is a joint programme between Health, Education and the Better Communication CIC.

We’re looking for representation from Head Teachers to be part of the SLCN Strategy Group, leading the strategic vision for the SLCN balanced system across Birmingham.

The purpose of the Group is to give the strategic steer around long term sustainability of the system, including oversight of on-going evaluation of impact on CYP and families. With the system going live from September, our school leaders will be key in feeding back successes and any challenges that need to be addressed.

The SLCN Strategy Group meets half termly and is co-chaired by Helen Ellis (Director of SEND & Inclusion) and Seema Gudivada (Director of therapies and Chief Allied Health Professions).

For further information, email Heather Wood:

REMINDER: 2023 Data Collections for EYFSP, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

The Education and attainment data website has been updated with all the necessary documentation regarding the statutory collections, including how to submit assessments and online confirmation forms.

Deadlines for each key stage assessment return can be found here: Deadlines Poster 2023.

All schools are required to submit final returns and confirmation forms by the stated deadlines, for EYFSP, Phonics and Key stage 1.

Any files received after the deadlines may not be validated before being submitted to the DfE and schools may not receive reports in a timely manner. This could mean a schools result will not be included in the DfE statistical publications.

All schools should submit their CTF containing the assessments to the Local Authority using Anycomms+.

Check that your school can log in to this before the collections begin during the second half of the 2023 Summer term.

Key stage 2 assessment will need to be submitted to STA via Primary Assessment Gateway.

For any queries or further information, email the Data and Intelligence Team –

In-Year Procedures and Timescales

Birmingham Local Authority does not co-ordinate the in-year admissions process which is managed by the schools themselves. The Local Authority is very appreciative of the hard work that schools put into managing in-year admissions. The purpose of this note is to remind schools of key points in the in-year admissions process.

There are a number of statutory requirements relating to the in-year admissions process which are outlined in the School Admissions Code 2021 and all schools and academies must comply with these requirements.

Parents who wish to apply for in-year admission for their child to a Birmingham school must submit an application directly to their preferred school.  Schools cannot refuse to accept an application even if they have no places available in the relevant year group.

Schools should respond to all applications for in-year admission without delay and where possible within 10 school days, however they must respond to the parent in writing within a maximum of 15 school days. If the application is unsuccessful the letter must include details of the reason for refusal and it must inform parents of their right of appeal against the decision.

Schools are also required to provide details of all in-year applications received and their outcomes to the Local Authority as soon as possible by uploading the information to the Schools’ Portal. It is important that schools provide this information promptly to the Local Authority because it enables us to identify children who may be without a school place which is an important safeguarding function.  Children who are unable to obtain a school place through the in-year application process are referred for LA placement to ensure that they return to education as quickly as possible.

For any queries or further information, email:

The New Early Education Entitlement Offer - What does it mean for you?

As part of the Spring Budget 2023 the government announced a significant expansion to funded childcare phased in from April 2024:

  • 15 hours rising to 30 hours funded places for eligible working parents of children aged 9 months to 2 years old
  • Incentives to encourage the registration of new childminders
  • Changes to the funding of childcare costs for eligible working parents in receipt of Universal Credit
  • Proposals regarding wraparound childcare delivered in primary schools

The expansion is significant for parents but also has implications for childcare providers and the Local Authority. To this end, we are holding a series of information sharing sessions for providers to:

  • Share information/intelligence
  • Provide an opportunity for providers to share their initial thoughts with other providers and the Local Authority – steered by a number of questions
  • Assist the Local Authority and providers shape delivery of the expanded offer moving forward.

The sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams, and will be for up to 1.5 hours, with a maximum of 50 delegates per session. To book your place simply click on the relevant link below:

It’s important that we understand your thoughts regarding the expanded offer, so prioritise attending one of these sessions. It will also provide an opportunity to share information with other colleagues in the sector.

For further information or any queries, email We very much look forward to seeing you!

Early Years Professional Development Programme

The Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYPDP) is an exciting opportunity for early years practitioners to improve their understanding and skills in supporting the development of the most disadvantaged early years children.

You are able to work at your own pace through the online modules. Funded by the Department for Education in England and delivered by Education Development Trust, the EYPDP is a tailored professional development programme and forms part of the government’s Early Years Education Recovery Plan which aims to address the continued effects of the pandemic on young children.

This programme is free to access. Support with backfill costs will be made available to settings via their local authority to help complete the training.

Participants will receive high quality, evidence-based CPD (continuous professional development) to support them to improve outcomes on school readiness, early language, early mathematics and Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED).

If you are a Manager, Early Years Leader or Headteacher and are interested in practitioners from your setting taking part in the Early Years Professional Development Programme: Expression of interest formThe deadline to apply is Friday, 21 July 2023. Don't delay sign up today!

For any queries or further information, please contact

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Regulatory Changes Consultation

We would like to invite Providers to attend a consultation session to discuss the Early Years Foundation Stage regulatory changes. Your views will enable us to provide a direct response to the Department for Education from Birmingham Early Years Providers

You can register via the Eventbrite links below:

We would also encourage Providers to complete their own response by following this link

You can find out more about the proposed changes on the Department for Education EYFS Regulatory Changes webpage.

For any queries or further information, email

Early Years – NESTA Project

Birmingham City Council is working in collaboration with the charity NESTA, on an early years project focused on the school readiness of children aged 0 to five years across Birmingham.

The ambition of the project is to:

  • close the educational gap at age five between children growing up in disadvantage and their peers
  • increase families’ engagement with early years services

Designed to link existing 0 to 5 years data held by Birmingham City Council, Public Health and Birmingham Forward Steps, the project will identify gaps in engagement and lead to a more targeted approach. You can find out more about the project by following this link

For queries or further information, please contact:

Services for Education – Available Courses

Online Safer Recruitment – Thursday, 29 June 2023: 9:00am to 4:00pm

This online full-day course, delivered by accredited Safer Recruitment Consortium trainers, enables schools to meet statutory requirements and to improve processes that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children or who are otherwise unsuited to working with them and identifies ways settings can create safer environments with a culture of vigilance. Bookings can be made on the Services for Education website.

Teacher Training Information Event – Tuesday, 4 July 2023 (in person)

Whether you are a graduate, almost-graduate or fancy a change of career, join us for our face-to-face SCITT information session, where you will have the opportunity to meet some of our past trainees, speak to our experienced staff and find out what the course entails. Bookings can be made on the Services for Education website.

Safeguarding and Child Protection for Headteachers and Nominated Governors – Thursday, 6 July 2023: 9:00am to 4:00pm

This full-day course will equip Head Teachers/ Principles (who are not DSLs) and Governors with the information, knowledge and understanding to undertake their responsibilities in respect of safeguarding, including supporting staff members acting in the DSL/DDSL role and dealing with allegations against staff. Bookings can be made on the Services for Education website.


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