Noticeboard - 8 June 2023

Welcome to this weeks noticeboard which contains an important Oracle update, a reminder to complete the 2023 statutory data collections, an invite to join a webinar to hear more about the Youth Voice: SEND and exclusions report, and more!

Oracle System – Implementation Update 

This is a summary of the latest progress updates for Finance, HR and Payroll services.

Finance Update

Engagement with a number of schools continues around key finance related technical fixes, with an onward cascade of information via schools’ business managers to their respective colleagues and networks. This collaborative approach ensures that we provide the right levels of support, with schools having input into proposed solutions, as well as help with testing. If you would like to be part of this collaborative approach, please get in touch via the mailbox, stating “Schools Engagement” in the subject heading.

You can also contact us via this mailbox to seek help with any finance related Oracle transactional queries such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Cashbooks, Payroll or Pensions. More information regarding this support process is set out in the 30 March edition of the Schools Noticeboard bulletin.

  • Reconciliation Files technical fixes – the council’s Digital & Technology Services (DTS) have been working on resolving the known issues, supported by additional resources. IMPORTANT - please note that since April, the priority has only been to fix the Week 13 (22/23) file and Week 14 (23/24). All other known issues such as duplications, VAT, missing journals, etc. have all been put on hold until the reconciliation files are running again. Consequently, the council’s School Transactional Services Queries Team has several queries on hold, which will continue to be monitored. Progress updates will follow once DTS recommence work to resolve them. 
  • Week 13 reconciliation files – the main priority has been to identify the root cause of failure. Before the half-term break, a test file exercise with five schools was run and the results were generally successful, with remaining issues reviewed last week. Once it’s been confirmed that the files can start to be circulated next week, a further update and instructions will follow. 
  • Week 14 reconciliation files – if it is possible to release week 13 next week, the week 14 file could be released the following week. This will be the first file received for schools for the financial year 2023–24. Following the release of the week 13 and 14 files, DTS will provide estimated timelines for the remaining outstanding issues. This will enable schools to forward plan the associated work and inform when to reconcile their year-end positions to Oracle and close.
  • Missing income – additional resources continue to assist in processing unallocated items as a priority. One main issue is the identification of an Oracle code to post the income to. To help address this, it was agreed at the recent Schools Discovery Workshop, that all relevant income will be posted to each individual school on a specific ‘miscellaneous income’ code This will speed up the process of allocation to schools and if required, will allow for recoding within MISs once the reconciliation files are processed. To accelerate the work for year-end we have increased focus and targeted additional internal and external resources on addressing schools unallocated income. You may therefore be contacted direct via email or phone, if additional information is needed to enable income allocation. Please continue to raise missing income cases via with supporting information such as amounts and dates.

HR Update

  • Pay Progression – a bulk uploader has been developed and deployed to facilitate applying salary progression after qualifying levels of service where applicable.  This solution will result in eligible employees receiving increments within the month to which they are entitled.

Payroll Update

  • Moving from paper payslips to e-payslips – With the move to digital payslips and an ongoing need to ensure robust data security, it is important that as many staff as possible activate their Oracle accounts to enable Employee Self Service (ESS) access. Paper payroll production has now ceased for around 11,000 staff who have enabled Oracle self-service to access their payslips online. This leaves around 6,000 staff who have not yet enabled their Oracle self-service access.  
  • Hard to reach/offline staff – the Payroll Team will be contacting schools during June to work with Form Raisers to reduce the remaining 6,000 cases and enable as many staff as possible to switch from paper payslips to e-payslips. This work will also establish hard to reach/offline cases for which paper payslips need to continue by exception.

2023 Data Collections for EYFSP, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

The Education and attainment data website has been updated with all the necessary documentation regarding the statutory collections, including how to submit assessments and online confirmation forms.

Deadlines for each key stage assessment return can be found here: Deadlines Poster 2023.

Please note, ALL schools are required to submit final returns and confirmation forms by the stated deadlines, for EYFSP, Phonics, Key stage 1.

Any files received after the deadlines may not be validated before being submitted to the DfE and schools may not receive reports in a timely manner. This could mean a schools result will not be included in the DfE statistical publications.

All schools should submit their CTF containing the assessments to the Local Authority using Anycomms+.

Please ensure that your school can log in to this before the collections begin during the second half of the 2023 Summer term.

Please note Key stage 2 assessment will need to be submitted to STA via Primary Assessment Gateway.

For any queries or further information please contact the Data and Intelligence Team –

Section 175 Audit 2022/2023

A polite reminder to schools that the Section 175 Audit 2022/2023 is due for completion on Friday, 14 July 2023.

If schools have any questions in relation to the completion of the Section 175 and/or require technical support, please visit the BSCP website, or contact the Education Safeguarding team at:

School Surveys for Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

Following the School Noticeboard article on 2 February 2023, Education Infrastructure commissioned Acivico to undertake a desktop survey relating to Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in order to identify any schools across the estate that could be affected.

A number of schools have been identified for the following reasons:

  • The school has blocks built or modified in the period 1930-1990
  • The building has flat roofs

The next stage is for a surveyor to visit the site of the affected schools, and undertake a visual survey of the buildings. These schools will be contacted directly by the surveyor, acting on behalf of Acivico, to arrange a convenient date and time for the survey to take place.

Please note that all surveyors will be DBS checked and will be able to provide schools with the necessary information and photo identification.

We would kindly request that schools endeavour to make every effort to accommodate the request for the surveyor to attend.

If schools have any concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Education Infrastructure team at

Please note: EDI are following the DfE guidance in relation to RAAC in school buildings

Free BBC micro:bits available for Primary Schools

BBC micro:bit – the next gen, is a new partnership between BBC Education, The Micro:bit Educational Foundation and Nominet.  The partnership is donating a classroom set of 30 micro:bits (pocket sized computers) to every primary school in the UK that registers to receive them at

The campaign aims to empower primary school children aged 8 to 11 with the digital skills to understand the world around them and shape their futures. 

Teachers will be supported by teacher training and a suite of cross-curricular teaching resources alongside an array of inspiring classroom activities to get children coding. To find out more go to

The Children’s Society – Disrupting Exploitation Programme

Youth Voice: SEND and Exclusions Webinar

NEW DATE: Tuesday, 20 June 2023: 15:30-16:30 Via Microsoft Teams

The Children’s Society is hosting a webinar to share key findings from the Youth Voice, SEND and Exclusions Report, provide more information on the links between exclusion and child exploitation and share their recommendations for schools.

Birmingham City Council and the Birmingham Children's Trust will also present information on Children's Rights in Education, Creating a Child-Friendly City and available Early Help Partnership support.

To book your place simply follow this link: Youth Voice, SEND and Exclusions Webinar

Heading to the farm? Enjoy your visit safely, say health experts

Public health experts at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) West Midlands are reminding families of the simple steps they can take to make sure they enjoy visits to farms and petting zoos safely throughout summer.

With Open Farm Sunday coming up on 11 June, people are being reminded that there are small things they can do to reduce the risk of nasty stomach bugs like Salmonella, Cryptosporidium and E. coli – which can be passed from farm animals to humans and cause illness.

UKHSA Health Protection Teams are urging anyone planning a trip to the farm to remember the importance of thoroughly and frequently washing hands with soap and water, to avoid getting bugs that could make them seriously ill. Once infected, you can also pass the bugs on to other people, who may also become unwell.

Important things to remember during farm visits, together with Public Health England guidelines can be found at the LEAF website: Things to remember - Open Farm Sunday.

Clean Air Zone School Minibus Exemption

Community and school transport vehicles are exempt from the Clean Air Zone charge. However, the exemption is not automatic and must be applied for.

If schools have a minibus that is non-compliant then they are eligible to apply for the exemption which lasts for one year.

Evidence of ownership and section 19 permit will need to be provided to support the application, which can be made using this link: Community and School Transport - Apply for an exemption

Schools who currently hold an exemption will be contacted directly by the Clean Air Zone team with details of the upcoming renewal window.

For any queries or further information, please contact the Clean Air Zone team at

Education Endowment Foundation Programme – Concept Cat

Schools with nursery classes can now register to take part in a new Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) programme called Concept Cat.
Concept Cat is a whole setting teaching methodology for early verbal concepts (part of the widely used book “Word Aware 2”).

The project is delivered by a partnership of Midland Heart Stronger Practice Hub and Better Communication CIC.

Find out more about getting involved and applying for a place on the Concept Cat programme by following this link

Early Years Inclusion – Dingley’s Promise

Birmingham is part of the national Changemakers programme led by Dingley’s Promise and which has now reached 5,000 early years professionals providing training on inclusive practice for children with SEND.  

The programme has a range of courses and learning options to support practitioners, including the accredited ‘Level 3 Certificate in Early Years Inclusive Practice’ for individuals, and non-accredited inclusion training for pairs of learners and whole settings. 

Find out more and register your interest by following this link

Level 1 Makaton Course

24 October and 14 November 2023: 09:30-13:30 (please note delegates must attend both sessions).

Learn the signs and symbols from Stages 1 and 2, and some of the Additional stage from the Core Vocabulary.

Cost: £74.00 (plus £8.00 recorded delivery of manual). This includes participant's manual, with all Makaton symbols and signs learnt in the course and a certificate of attendance.

For more information and to request a booking form please contact: Clare Standing, Teacher EYIS (Early Support Service) & Makaton Tutor at

Primary School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) and Apprenticeships

Services for Education is now offering a Primary School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme in partnership with Best Practice Network.

Staff members ready for that next step?

Many TAs and HLTAs are already taking on many roles within the classroom, so why not support them in taking the next step to become qualified primary teachers? By supporting existing staff members with their teacher training, schools are investing in their futures and nurturing the next generation of teachers.

Immersive, focused and school-centred training

SFE’s school-centred training programme (SCITT) and Primary Apprenticeships allow trainees to become fully immersed in school life. Through pairing each trainee with experienced class teachers and mentors, trainees will have the opportunity to observe, work alongside and learn from some of the best in the profession and will gain all of the required skills for QTS.

Nurturing, extensive and experienced support

The School Support team are experts in the field of teaching and learning, staff development and sharing best practice. Working alongside one of the UK’s learning training providers, Best Practice Network, this team of skilled advisers is there to support trainees every step of the way.

If schools believe they have the perfect member of staff for this training programme or apprenticeship, or would like to host an apprentice, please contact Lucie Welch – or telephone 07884 642860.

Services for Education Courses

Update for Existing DSLs on Safeguarding and Child Protection: Monday, 19 June: 13.00-16.15

This course is for existing Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Deputy DSLs who have previously attended the two-day DSL training course. It will focus on best practice, current issues of concern and the leadership and management aspects of safeguarding. It ensures that existing DSLs and DDSLs meet their statutory obligation to have training updated regularly. Bookings can be made at this link: DSL Update

Schema & Curriculum – Thinking Critically: Tuesday, 20 June 2023:  09.00-12.00

If schema is a mental structure to help us understand, then how do you help students to see the structure of the subject we are teaching? How do you transfer information to students whilst ensuring the context required allows them to process and remember it? Bookings can be made at this link: Schema & Curriculum

English Leaders: Support, Scaffolding and Development: Tuesday, 20 June: 13.00-16.00 (online)

An important part of leadership in a core subject is learning from others and keeping up-to-date with new research, expectations and methodology. This course has been designed as a useful way for leaders of English to ensure that they are at the forefront of their field, and to provide a platform for professional dialogue and a sharing of approaches. We know that learning from others is a fundamental way in which we develop and improve, and yet how often are we given the chance to invest in this? Bookings can be made at this link: English Leaders


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