Request a new Tree Preservation Order
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) protect trees which are considered to be important to a local area. They may make an area visually more attractive or may be of historical significance. The order may cover anything from a single tree to woodlands. Individual trees within hedgerows can be protected, but not managed hedges.
Only requests for a new Tree Preservation Order will be considered through this web page.
Requests for public tree works (i.e. pruning of street trees) should be submitted through our website.
The removal of public trees to allow access to property should form part of an application to our Transportation department.
For more information, read our guide to Tree Preservation Orders.
You can request a new Tree Preservation Order if you feel that a particular tree or trees should be protected.
Once we have received your request we will assess the tree(s) and will notify you of our decision on whether a Tree Preservation Order will be put in place.
Page last updated: 29 June 2023